dc:description"FIGURES 9–25. Details of larvae. 9–23, Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n.: 9–15, tergalii I–VII (holotype); 16, labrum; 17, maxilla (dorsal view); 18, right mandible; 19, its kinetodontium rotated after pressure of slide; 20, left mandible; 21–23, its incisor, kinetodontium and prostheca rotated after pressure of slide. 24–25, Procloeon (Monilistylus) monilistylus, kinetodontium and prostheca rotated after pressure of slide.";
dc:description"FIGURES 26–29. Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n., exuviae of labium: 26, general view with focus on ventral side; 27, labial palp with focus on dorsal side; 28, glossa and paraglossa with focus on ventral side; 29, the same with focus on dorsal side (26, holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 33–38. Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n.: 33, larval exuviae of posterior margin of 9th abdominal sternum with protogonostyli; 34, subimaginal tissues with gonostyli, extracted from it; 35, exuviae of paraprocts and protogonostyli of another specimen; 36, exuviae of 5th abdominal sternum (Figs 33–36 under the same magnification); 37,middle of posterior margin of 9th abdominal tergum; 38, portion of mesonotum (magnification as in Fig. 37).Abbreviations: gs1, gs2, gs3, segments of gonostylus; m.gs, gonostylar muscle; m.gv, gonovectal (penial) muscle; m.s., lateral portion of styligeral muscle.";
dc:description"FIGURES 39–46. Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n.: 39–40, male imagines; 41, male imaginal genitals; 42, exuviae of right half of subimaginal mesonotum; 43, exuviae of left half of subimaginal mesopleuron; 44, wing; 45, abdominal terga II–VII; 46, tibia and tarsus of middle leg (41–43 and 45–46, holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 47–51. Procloeon (Monilistylus) ornatipennis sp. n. (holotype): 47, median projection of penis; 48, exuviae of subimaginal gonostyli; 49, genitals with all visible muscles (muscles and hidden parts of penis shown by interrupted lines); 50, the same with penis, its muscles and gonoducts (shown by dotted line); 51, the same with muscles of styliger (penis not shown). Abbreviations: gs1, gs2, gs3, segments of gonostylus; m.IX-X, area of attachment of intersegmental paraproctal muscle; m.gs, gonostylar muscle; m.gv, gonovectal (penial) muscle; m.s., lateral portion of styligeral muscle; usg, unistyliger.";