dc:title"Morphological revision of the hyperdiverse Brueelia - complex (Insecta: Phthiraptera: Ischnocera: Philopteridae) with new taxa, checklists and generic key";
dc:description"FIGURES 248 – 252. Harpactrox loeiensis n. gen. & n. sp. ex Harpactes erythrocephalus annamensis: 248, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 249, male genitalia, dorsal view. 250, male mesosome, ventral view. 251, male paramere, dorsal view. 252, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 210 – 211. Titanomessor sexloba n. gen. & n. sp. ex Laniarius erythrogaster: 210, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 211, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views.";
dc:description"FIGURES 212 – 216. Titanomessor sexloba n. gen. & n. sp. ex Laniarius erythrogaster: 212, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 213, male genitalia, dorsal view. 214, mesosome, ventral view. 215, parameres, dorsal view. 216, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view. Scale for parameres same as for male genitalia.";
dc:description"FIGURES 224 – 225. Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) laurocorythes n. gen., n. subgen. & n. sp. ex Edolisoma holopolium holopolium: 224, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 225, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views.";
dc:description"FIGURES 231 – 232. Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) loboccupatrix n. gen., n. subgen. & n. sp. ex Lobotos oriolinus: 231, male habitus, dorsal and ventral views. 232, female habitus, dorsal and ventral views.";
dc:description"FIGURES 226 – 230. Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) laurocorythes n. gen., n. subgen. & n. sp. ex Edolisoma holopolium holopolium: 226, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 227, male genitalia, dorsal view. 228, male mesosome, ventral view. 229, male paramere, dorsal view. 230, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 233 – 237. Indoceoplanetes (Capnodella) loboccupatrix n. gen., n. subgen. & n. sp. ex Lobotos oriolinus: 233, male head, dorsal and ventral views. 234, male genitalia, dorsal view. 235, male mesosome, ventral view. 236, male paramere, dorsal view. 237, female subgenital plate and vulval margin, ventral view.";
dc:description"FIGURES 25. Dorso-ventral views of coxae I – III, trochanters I – III, and femora I – III, showing terminology of the leg setae used here. Other parts of the thorax removed for clarity. Setae situated marginally are illustrated and named on both dorsal (lefthand) and ventral (right-hand) sides. Terminology for individual seta as used in the text obtained by combining the leg segment (larger font) and the setal name (smaller font). Abbreviations: a 1 – 5, anterior setae 1 – 5; cI – III, coxae I – III; d 1 – 3, dorsal setae 1 – 3; dm 1 – 4, distal marginal setae 1 – 4; fI – III, femur I – III; p 1 – 3, posterior setae 1 – 3; s 1 – 6, sensilla 1 – 6; tI – III, trochanter I – III; v 1 – 4, ventral setae 1 – 4.";