dc:description"FIGURE 2. P. jejuensis sp. nov., parthenogenetic female from a puddle in Daseong wetland (type locality), paratype. A – C, lateral, dorsal and posterior view; D, head, lateral view. E – F, head shield and its posterior portion. G – H, dorsal head pores. I – L, valve, its anterior, postero-ventral and postero-dorsal portion. M – N, postabdomen. O, postabdominal claw. Scale bars 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. P. jejuensis sp. nov., head and thoracic appendages of parthenogenetic female from a puddle in Daseong wetland (type locality), paratype. A – B, antenna I. C, antenna II. D, maxilla I. E, thoracic limb I. F, corm of thoracic limb I. G – I, anterior setae on endites of thoracic limb I. J – K, thoracic limb II and distal armature of its gnathobase; L – M, thoracic limb III and its inner-distal portion; N – O, thoracic limb IV and its inner-distal portion; P, thoracic limb V. Scale bars 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Localities where P. jejuensis sp. nov. was found. A, Korean Peninsula with position of Jeju Island. B, Map of Jeju Island with localities sampled in February (empty quadrates) and November (empty circles) and those where P. jejuensis sp. nov. was found (large black quadrate, two localities are very closely located). C, Daseong River in February. D – E, A puddle in Daseong wetland (type locality) in February. F, Remains of dried Daseong River in November. G, the first author collecting a dried remnant of the puddle at Daseong wetland, about 30 cm in width (type locality) in November.";