dc:description"FIGURE 7 Representaives of the genus Dendronotus (living specimens). PHOTOGRAPHS BY T. KORSHUNOVA, A. MARTYNOV, K. FLETCHER, D. MILLER, Y. FUJIWARA, K. HASEGAWA, K. SANAMYAN, N. SANAMYAN, AND O. ZIMINA";
dc:description"FIGURE 8 Dendronotus elegans. External and internal morphology.a: living specimen ZMMU Op-713 from Greenland, near East Atlantic North American coast; b: jaw, same specimen; c; posterior part of radula, general overview,same specimen; d: close up of smooth central teeth, same; e: close up of lateral teeth, same; f:living specimen ZMMU Op-714 (as “D.niveus”) from the White Sea (subarctic); g: jaw, same specimen; h:masticatory edge of the jaws,same; i: posterior part of radula, general overview,same specimen; j: close up of smooth central teeth, same; k: living specimen ZMMU Op-715 from the Laptev Sea (Arctic); l: jaw, same specimen; m: posterior part of radula, close up of smooth central teeth, same; n: lateral teeth, same.o: discoid prostate with numerous alveols (which considerably exceed the considerably underestimated number presented in the first description of D.niveus), same specimen; Scale bars: b, l, 1mm; c: 300 µm; d, h–j, m: 100 µm; g: 1000 µm; e, n: 30 µm. PHOTOGRAPHS BY O. ZIMINA (A, K) AND T. KORSHUNOVA (F). SEM MICROGRAPHS BY A. MARTYNOV";
dc:description"FIGURE 4 Dendronotus yrjargul sp.nov.(a–n) and D.kalikal (o–t), external and internal morphology.a–c: living holotype of D.yrjargul NTNU-VM-76306 (a) and its habitat (b, c), dorsal,ventral and lateral views with egg mass and associated hydroid Abietinaria fusca, respectively; d: Dendronotus yrjargul, habitat of living paratype NTNU-VM-76302;e: jaw of holotype; f:denticles on the masticatory edge of the holotype; g: jaws of paratype NTNU-VM-76302; h:discoid ridge-like structures on the masticatory edge of paratype NTNU-VM-76302;i: details of discoid structures on the masticatory edge of paratype NTNU-VM-76302; j: anterior part of radula of holotype; k:central teeth of radula of holotype;l:lateral teeth of radula of holotype; m:central teeth of radula of paratype NTNU-VM-76302; n: lateral teeth of radula of holotype; o: living holotype of D.kalikal; p: jaw of D.kalikal, specimen from Kurile Islands;";
dc:description"FIGURE 5 Dendronotus nordenskioeldi sp. nov.ZMMU Op-665, external and internal morphology.a–b:living holotype, dorsal and lateral views respectively;c:ventral view of preserved holotype;d: jaw of holotype; e: irregular denticles on the masticatory edge of the holotype;f:posterior part of radula; g:central teeth of radula; h: lateral teeth of radula of holotype.Scale bars: d: 1mm; e: 20 µm; f:100 µm; g, h: 30 µm. PHOTOGRAPHS BY O. ZIMINA (A, B) AND T. KORSHUNOVA (C). SEM MICROGRAPHS BY A. MARTYNOV";