dc:title"Timaviella dunensis sp. nov. from sand dunes of the Baltic Sea, Germany, and emendation of Timaviella edaphica (Elenkin) O. M. Vynogr. & Mikhailyuk (Synechococcales, Cyanobacteria) based on an integrative approach";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Secondary structure of the main informative helices of region 16S-23S ITS of cultured strains of Timaviella. All differences between strains of T. edaphica (KZ-7-1) and T. dunensis (Us-6-3) are presented in comparison with the authentic strain of T. circinata (GR4). Variable bases are shown with arrows, places of insertions/deletions of base pairs are marked with arrowheads, homological base pairs among different strains are indicated with gray lines. Intraspecific variation inside T. edaphica are shown with the asterisk.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Timaviella dunensis (Us-6-3): A—overview of colony on the surface of agarized medium: thallus prostrate and in growing inside the medium; B, K—filaments in firm hyaline sheath; C—trichome without sheath; D—fragment of trichome with necridia; note elongated, discoid and obliquely dividing cells; E, G—loosely arranged filaments with geminate false branching; F—consecutive single and geminate false branching; H, I—fragments of filaments with trichomes twisted in the sheath; J—formation of hormogonia, cells with granulations. Scale bars: A—50 μm, B–K—10 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Ultrastructure of original strains of Timaviella with characteristic position of thylakoids arranged more or less parallel in a parietal position. T. edaphica (KZ 7-1-2): fragments of trichomes without sheath (A), in multilayered sheath (B), constricted at cross walls, with cyanophycin granules; cells barrel-shaped, isodiametric (A) to elongated (G), end cells (D), trichomes in longitudinal section (E). T. edaphica (KZ 23-2): end cells (C), trichomes in longitudinal section (F). Timaviella dunensis (Us-6-3): fragments of trichomes in thick sheath (H, I), weakly constricted at cross walls; cells cylindrical, elongated, end cells (J–L); formation of necridia (M). S, sheath, Cy, cyanophycin granules, T, thylakoids. Scale bars = 1µm.";