dc:description"Figure 2. Adults of Clepsis neglectana species group A-C C. neglectana: A lectotype of Tortrix neglectana B male, Southern Germany C Female, Germany D-G C. striolana: D lectotype of T. striolana E paralectotype of T. striolana F male, Austria, South Tyrol G female, Austria, South Tyrol H-K C. trivia: H holotype of T. trivia I-J males, Crete K female, Crete L-M C. acclivana: L lectotype of Cacoecia acclivana M paralectotype of C. acclivana N T. severana holotype O Cacoecia unifasciana var. semiana holotype. Scale bar: 5 mm, all to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Costal folds of males of Clepsis spp. A C. neglectana, Germany B C. striolana, Austria C C. trivia, Crete D C. acclivana, lectotype of Cacoecia acclivana E C. consimilana, neotype of Tortrix consimilana F C. eatoniana, Spain. Scale bar: 1 mm, all to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Male genitalia of the Clepsis neglectana species group (some without phallus) A, B C. neglectana: A Tortrix neglectana lectotype B C. neglectana, Southern Germany C, D C. striolana: C T. striolana lectotype D C. striolana, Austria, North Tyrol E, F C. trivia: E T. trivia holotype F C. trivia, Crete. Scale bar: 500 μm, all to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Labides of Clepsis spp. A, B C. neglectana: A Southern Germany B Finland C C. striolana, Austria, North Tyrol D C. trivia, Crete E C. acclivana, paralectotype of Cacoecia acclivana F, G C. consimilana: F Germany, neotype of Tortrix consimilana G Italy H C. eatoniana, Spain. Scale bar: 100 μm, all to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Phalli with vesicae everted of the Clepsis neglectana species group A C. neglectana, Germany B C. striolana, Austria C C. trivia, Crete D C. acclivana, paralectotype of Cacoecia acclivana. The phallus of each species is shown in three aspects from top to bottom: sclerotised phallic tube (without vesica) in dorsal view (viewpoint marked with black arrow), vesica in dorsal view (viewpoint marked with white arrow) and whole phallus in left view. 1 cornutus, 2 diverticulum, 3 location of gonopore, 4 phallic process, 5 caulis. Scale bar: 250 μm.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Specialised male setae in Clepsis spp. A-E cornuti: A C. neglectana, Finland B C. striolana, Austria C C. trivia, Crete D C. consimilana, neotype of Tortrix consimilana E C. eatoniana, Spain F modified large seta from the medial surface of valva of C. consimilana, Germany. Scale bar: 100 μm, all to scale.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Female genitalia of the Clepsis neglectana species group A C. neglectana, Finland B C. striolana, Austria C C. trivia, Crete. The top row shows the whole genitalia, the bottom row shows the sterigma and colliculum enlarged. 1 papilla analis, 2 apophysis posterior, 3 sterigma, 4 colliculum, 5 apophysis anterior, 6 ductus seminalis, 7 ductus bursae, 8 cestum, 9 corpus bursae, 10 falcate signum, 11 plate shaped signum, 12 ostium, 13 sclerotised plicae, 14 protrusion. Scale bars: 1 mm (top row), 250 μm (bottom row).";
dc:description"Figure 9. Signa of bursa copulatrix in Clepsis spp. A C. neglectana B C. striolana C C. trivia D C. consimilana E C. eatoniana F A detail of plate shaped signum of C. consimilana consisting of sclerotised papillae. 1 falcate signum, 2 plate shaped signum, 3 cestum. Scale bars: 250 μm (A-E, all to scale), 25 μm (F).";
dc:description"Figure 16. Neighbour-joining tree of Clepsis neglectana and C. consimilana species groups (Kimura 2 parameter, built with MEGA 6; cf. Tamura et al. 2013). Note: the scale bar only applies to internal branches between species. The width of the triangles represents the sample size, and the depth the relative genetic variation within the cluster (2 x scale bar). Source: DNA Barcode data from BOLD (Barcode of Life Database, cf. Ratnasingham and Hebert 2007).";
dc:description"Figure 17. Distribution map of examined material of Clepsis neglectana and C. consimilana species groups. Map created with SimpleMappr (http: // www. simplemappr. net).";