dc:description"Figure 197. Diversity of plant growth forms of the genera of the Calliandra clade A shrubby habit of Acaciella angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima, Texas, USA B treelet of Acaciella angustissima var. angustissima, Chiquimula, Guatemala (Hughes 1487) C shrub of Calliandra mollissima (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Benth., Maranon Valley, Peru (Saerkinen 2198) D stunted xerophytic shrublet of Afrocalliandra redacta (J. H. Ross) E. R. Souza & L. P. Queiroz, Kuboes, South Africa E stunted xerophytic shrublet of Calliandra chilensis Benth., northern Chile F small treelet of Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn., Siguatepeque, Honduras G shrub of Calliandra californica Benth., Baja California Sur, Mexico (Hughes 1546) H treelet of Calliandra fuscipila Harms, Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15626) I, J functionally herbaceous geoxyle of Calliandra longipes Benth. arising from a stout lignotuber and resprouting and fruiting after fire in savanna woodland, Santa Cruz, Bolivia (Wood 26548) K geoxylic shrublet of Calliandra mucugeana Renvoize, arising from a stout woody underground stem and forming carpet-like thickets, Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15540). Photo credits A Ron Stephens, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 199321699) B, C, F-K CE Hughes D Pietermier, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 152398478) E J Jimenez Castillo.";
dc:description"Figure 198. Variation in inflorescences of the genera of the Calliandra clade. A compound terminal panicle of capitula of Acaciella villosa (Sw.) Britton & Rose, Oaxaca, Mexico (Hughes 1333) B capitula of Acaciella villosa, Piura, Peru (Hughes 2635) C flowers of Afrocalliandra redacta (J. H. Ross) E. R. Souza & L. P. Queiroz, Kuboes, South Africa D erect terminal racemose inflorescence of Calliandra calothyrsus Meisn. flowering at night, Siguatepeque, Honduras (Macqueen 3) E erect terminal racemose inflorescence of Calliandra juzepczukii Standl., Oaxaca, Mexico (Hughes 1675) F erect terminal inflorescence with buds and flowers opening acropetally, Calliandra grandiflora (L'Her.) Benth., Mexico City, Mexico G inflorescence of Calliandra taxifolia (Kunth) Benth., Mollendo, Arequipa, Peru (Hughes 2357) H heteromorphic inflorescence of Calliandra mollissima (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd) Benth., Maranon Valley, Peru, showing central flowers with enlarged staminal tubes (Saerkinen 2198) I Calliandra nebulosa Barneby, Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15624) J flowers of Calliandra longipinna Benth., Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15603) K long pedicellate flowers of Calliandra leptopoda Benth., Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil L leaves, foliaceous stipules and terminal inflorescences of Calliandra lanata Benth., Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil. Photo credits A, B, D, E, G-J CE Hughes C Pietermier, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 15308160) F Mvz-juangonzalezromero, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 195966667) K, L E de Souza.";
dc:description"Figure 199. Variation in fruits across genera of the Calliandra clade A pendulous fruit of Acaciella angustissima (Mill.) Britton & Rose var. angustissima, Chiapas, Mexico B erect fruit and spinescent stipules of Afrocalliandra redacta (J. H. Ross) E. R. Souza & L. P. Queiroz, Kuboes, South Africa C, D fruits of Calliandra taxifolia (Kunth) Benth., Mollendo, Arequipa, Peru (Hughes 2357) C unripe green erect fruits D ripe fruits elastically dehiscent from the apex, the valves recurved backwards E ripe and unripe fruits of Calliandra luetzelburgii Harms, Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15618) F unripe, green, erect fruits of Calliandra viscidula Benth., Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15541) G, H fruits of Calliandra houstoniana (Mill.) Standl., Chiapas, Mexico (Hughes 1271 & 1287) I unripe fruits of Calliandra chilensis Benth., northern Chile J unripe, erect fruits of Calliandra bahiana Renvoize var. erythematosa Barneby, Serra do Espinhaco, Bahia, Brazil (Queiroz 15622). Photo credits A Neptali Ramirez Marcial, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 199788369) B Pietermier, iNaturalist (https: // www. inaturalist. org / photos / 152398411) C-H, J CE Hughes I J Jimenez Castillo.";
dc:description"Figure 200. Distribution of Acaciella based on quality-controlled digitised herbarium records. See Suppl. material 1 for the source of occurrence data.";