dc:description"FIGURE 6. Plectrocnemia fanjingensis sp. nov., male genitalia. A, ventral view; B, left lateral view; C, dorsal view; D, phallus, left lateral view; E, phallus, ventral view; F, tergum IX and tergum X, caudal view. b. d. pro. = basodorsal process of an inferior appendage; b. s. lob. = basomesal setose lobe of an inferior appendage; inf. app. = inferior appendage; int. app. = intermediate appendage; ph. b. = phallobase; ph. c. = phallicata; ph. scl. = phallic sclerite; phtrl. scl. = phallotremal sclerite; pre. app. = preanal appendage; s. IX = sternum IX; t. IX = tergum IX; t. X = tergum X.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Plectrocnemia platilobus sp. nov., male genitalia. A, ventral view; B, left lateral view; C, dorsal view; D, phallus, left lateral view; E, left intermediate appendage, caudoventral view; F, phallus, ventral view. b. d. pro. = basodorsal process of an inferior appendage; b. s. lob. = basomesal setose lobe of an inferior appendage; inf. app. = inferior appendage; int. app. = intermediate appendage; ph. b. = phallobase; ph. c. = phallicata; ph. scl. = phallic sclerite; phtrl. scl. = phallotremal sclerite; pre. app. = preanal appendage; s. IX = sternum IX; t. IX = tergum IX; t. X = tergum X.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Plectrocnemia paragryphalis sp. nov., male genitalia. A, ventral view; B, left lateral view; C, dorsal view; D, tergum X + preanal appendages, ventral view; E, phallus, dorsal view. b. d. pro. = basodorsal process of an inferior appendage; b. s. lob. = basomesal setose lobe of an inferior appendage; inf. app. = inferior appendage; int. app. = intermediate appendage; m. v. pro. = mesoventral process of a preanal appendage; pre. app. = preanal appendage; s. IX = sternum IX; t. IX = tergum IX; t. X = tergum X.";