dc:description"FIGURES 2–14. Orthoseira variabilis sp. nov. LM. Frustules in girdle view. Note mantle step (Fig. 7, black arrow) and marginal spines (Fig. 14, white arrowheads). Figures marked with “=” are the same frustules with a different focus. Scale bar: 10 µm (Scale bar is the same for Figs 2–13).";
dc:description"FIGURES 15–48. Orthoseira variabilis sp. nov. LM. Specimens in valve view. Figs 24–25: Holotype. Figs 46–48. Same specimen in three different focus levels; note the marginal spines. Figures marked with “=” are the same valves with a different focus. Scale bar: 10 µm (Scale bar is the same for Figs 15–45 and for Figs 46–48).";
dc:description"FIGURES 49–60. Orthoseira variabilis sp. nov. SEM. Specimens in external view. Figs 49–54. Whole valve views; the arrow in Fig. 52 indicates a patch of smooth area. Figs 55–59. Details of valve surface, showing carinoportulae (Figs 55–56), areolar structure (Figs 56–58), a patch of smooth area (Fig. 58) and marginal spines (Fig. 59, white arrowheads). Fig.60. Mantle view; note the conic spines at the margin (black arrowheads). Figs 55 and 57 are details of Fig. 53; Fig. 55, rotated. Fig. 56 is a detail of Fig. 54, rotated. Fig. 58 is a detail of Fig. 52, rotated. Fig. 59 is a detail of Fig. 50. Scale bar: 10 µm (Figs 49–54), 5 µm (Fig. 60), 2 µm (Figs 55–59).";
dc:description"FIGURES 61–65. Orthoseira variabilis sp. nov. SEM. Specimens in girdle view. Fig. 61. Valve with pore field (arrow) and raised interstriae on the mantle. Note the collum (white arrowhead) separated from the mantle striae by a smooth area (black arrowhead). Figs 62–65. Whole frustules; note the presence of pore fields, step and collum in the mantle, and the cingulum composed by open, ligulate copulae. Collum (white arrowhead) and smooth area of the mantle (black arrowhead) are also indicated in Fig. 64. Fig. 63 is a detail of Fig. 62, rotated. Scale bar: 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURES 66–78. Orthoseira variabilis sp. nov. SEM. Specimens in internal valve view. Figs 66–72. Whole valve views. Note valves with shallow or inconspicuous caverns (arrows). Figs 73–78. Details of valve surface, showing areolar structure, carinoportulae, etched slits (Figs 73–74, arrows), and shallow caverns (Figs 76–78); note small unoccluded perforations among the areolae (arrowheads). Fig. 75 is a detail of Fig. 71, rotated. Fig. 76 is a detail of Fig. 72. Fig. 77 is a detail of Fig. 70. Fig. 78 is a detail of Fig. 66. Scale bar: 10 µm (Figs 66–72), 2 µm (Figs 73–78).";