dc:description"FIGURE 1. Male and infective juveniles of Steinernema goweni n. sp. A) male of first generation in toto; B) spicule of first generation male; C) gubernaculum of first generation male in ventral view; D, E, F, G) different gubernacula shapes in second generation males; H) head and pharyngeal region of infective juvenile; I) tail of infective juvenile. Scale bars 20 µm";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Scanning electron microscope photography of male of Steinernema goweni n. sp. A) head showing amphids (arrow); B) posterior region showing the genital papillae distribution (vp = ventral papilla); C) posterior region showing the genital papillae distribution showing an extra lateral papilla (# 13); D) male terminus showing phasmids (ph) and pore (arrow). Scale bars 10 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Females of Steinernema goweni n. sp. A) head and pharyngeal region of first generation female; B, C) different female tails; D, E, F) vulvae showing different epitygmata G) reproductive system section showing uterus, spermatheca, oviduct and part of the ovary. Scale bars 20 µm";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Scanning electron microscope photography of infective juvenile and female of Steinernema goweni n. sp. A) head of infective juvenile showing the “ horn-like ” structures on the labial region; B) lateral field arrangement at mid body of infective juvenile; C) tail of infective juvenile showing phasmids (arrow); D) female terminus E) female terminus showing phasmids (arrow). Scale bars 10 µm";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Phylogenetic relationships in the “ bicornutum ” group of Steinernema based on analysis of ITS rDNA regions. Steinernema scapterisci and S. nepalense were used as outgroup taxa. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (10000 replicates) are shown next to the branches. Branch lengths indicate evolutionary distances and are expressed in the units of number of base differences per site.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Phylogenetic relationships in the “ bicornutum ” group of Steinernema based on analysis of D 2 D 3 regions of the 28 S rDNA. Steinernema scapterisci and S. nepalense were used as outgroup taxa. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (10000 replicates) are shown next to the branches. Branch lengths indicate evolutionary distances and are expressed in the units of number of base differences per site.";