dc:description"Figure 2. Indumentum morphology in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia. A completely glabrous stems and leaves in T. seubertiana B glabrous leaf-blade of T. crassula, showing the ciliate margin C abaxial side of a leaf-blade of T. cerinthoides, showing the sparsely hispid indumentum D adaxial side of a leaf-blade of T. cerinthoides, showing the hispid indumentum E adaxial side of a leaf-blade of T. tenella, showing the hirsute indumentum and ciliate margin F sepal of T. tenella, showing the glandular-pubescent indumentum. Photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Leaf morphology in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia. A elliptic blade of T. cerinthoides, showing the dark green colouration and obtuse apex B broadly ovate blade of T. cymbispatha, showing the bluish-green colouration, vinaceous margins, the densely strigose indumentum and cordate base C linear blade of T. decora, showing the conduplicate and falcate posture and truncate base D one of the uppermost leaves from T. fluminensis, showing the dark green colouration, inconspicuous subpetiole, impressed secondary veins and cordate base E blade of T. mundula, showing the short subpetiole, impressed secondary veins and round base F detail of the amplexicaulous leaf-blade base of T. seubertiana G blade of T. tenella, showing the distinctively subpetiolate leaf and strongly asymmetric base H blade of T. umbraculifera, showing the amplexicaulous base and caudate apex. All photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini, except for C by H. M. Buenecker.";
dc:description"Figure 4. Leaf variegation in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia cultivars A habit of T. fluminensis, showing different degrees of yellow variegation in the same plant B sick leaf blade of T. decora, showing the white variegation and a necrotic spot C-D T. fluminensis with yellow variegation C sick branch, showing atrophied and almost completely lacking chlorophyll D sick leaf blade, showing small portions of chlorophyllate tissue and necrotic spots. E-H, T. mundula with pink to vinaceous variegation E habit, showing different variegation patterns and degrees in the same plant F healthy branch, showing leaves with stripes in shades of pink and lilac G sick branch, showing the almost complete lack of chlorophyll and the great amount anthocyanin on the abaxial side of the blades H sick branch, showing the almost complete lack of chlorophyll and the pink hue produced by the anthocyanin from the abaxial side of the blades. Photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini.";
dc:description"Figure 5. Inflorescence architecture in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia A malformed main florescence of T. cymbispatha, showing the subopposite cincinni B detail of the synflorescence of T. crassula, showing an axillary inflorescence composed of solitary cincinnus and a terminal with the typical double-cincinni with non-saccate cincinni bracts C-D inflorescence in T. decora C inflorescence composed of 4 - cincinni, showing the spathaceous and supernumerary bracts D synflorescence, showing main florescences and coflorescences ranging from regular double-cincinni to 3 - 5 - cincinni E front view of the main florescence of T. fluminensis, showing the saccate cincinni bracts F dorsal view of the main florescence of T. mundula, showing the saccate cincinni bracts G main florescence of T. seubertiana, showing the unequal and non-saccate cincinni bracts H main florescence of T. tenella, showing the strongly unequal cincinni bracts I inflorescence of T. umbraculifera, showing the main florescence and a coflorescence emerging from the same leaf axil. All photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini, except C-D by H. M. Buenecker.";
dc:description"Figure 6. Floral morphology in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia. A-C floral buds A floral bud of T. cerinthoides, showing the vinaceous coloration, densely hispid indumentum and absence of dorsal keels in the sepals B floral bud of T. fluminensis, showing the medium green colouration and pilose eglandular hairs restricted to dorsal keels C floral bud of T. tenella, showing the green colouration, glandular-pubescent indumentum and the presence of dorsal keels in the sepals D-H flowers D front view of a flower of T. atlantica, showing the plicate petals E front view of a flower of T. fluminensis, showing the plicate petals F side view of two flowers of T. fluminensis, showing the plicate petals and the deflexed flowers at post-anthesis G front view of a flower of T. tenella, showing the flat petals H front view of a flower of T. umbraculifera, showing the flat and elliptic petals. Photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini.";
dc:description"Figure 7. Fruit and seed morphology in Tradescantia subg. Austrotradescantia. A mature and dehisced capsule of T. cerinthoides B dorsal and ventral views of the seed of T. crassula, showing the costate testa cleft towards the embryotega and the hilum longer than 1 / 2 the length of the seed C dorsal and ventral views of the seed of T. hertweckii, showing the costate testa not cleft towards the embryotega and the hilum equal to 1 / 2 the length of the seed D dorsal and ventral views of the seed of T. atlantica, showing the rugose testa not cleft towards the embryotega and hilum shorter than 1 / 2 the length of the seed. Photos by M. O. O. Pellegrini.";