dc:description"Figure 1. Intestinal loops, dorsal view A, B Type I C, D Type II E-H Between types I and II. Small black arrows show the direction of the intestinal transport. The clockwise loop is in blue. The counterclockwise loop is in yellow. The transitional loop (between clockwise and counterclockwise loops) is in green. Red arrows indicate the orientation of the transitional loop. A Type I, with a transitional loop oriented at 3 o'clock, redrawn from Plate (1893: pl. 8, fig. 29) B Type I, with a transitional loop oriented at 3 o'clock, Wallaconchis sinanui (from Goulding et al. 2018: fig. 8 D) C Type II, with a transitional loop oriented at 9 o'clock, redrawn from Plate (1893: pl. 8, fig. 31) D Type II, with a transitional loop oriented at 9 o'clock, Paromoionchis tumidus (from Dayrat et al. 2019: fig. 12 A) E Between types I and II, with a descending transitional loop at 7 o'clock, holotype, Laspionchis boucheti, Australia, Northern Territory, [1688 H] (NTM P. 57614) F Between types I and II, with a descending transitional loop at 6 o'clock, L. boucheti, Australia, Northern Territory, [1681] (NTM P. 57612) G Between types I and II, with a descending transitional loop at 6 o'clock, L. boucheti, Vietnam, [5610] (ITBZC IM 00017) H Between types I and II, with a descending transitional loop at 5 o'clock, L. boucheti, Australia, Queensland, [2612] (MTQ). Scale bars: 1 mm (B), 2 mm (D, E), 5 mm (F-H).";