dc:description"Figure 9. Microdon analis, drawing of the articulation point between the mandible and the labium, lateral view, length of mandible 0.3 mm. lm = labium; lp = labial plate; ls = labial sclerite; m = mandible; mt = muscle tendon; sd = salivary duct; sj = socket joint.";
dc:description"Figure 11. Microdon analis, position of mandibles and labial plate + sclerites during a feeding lunge inside a Lasius ant larva (Formicidae), still from Film 5. lp = labial plate and sclerites; m = mandible, ma = apodeme at base of mandible.";
dc:description"Figures 12. Melangyna cincta, preserved larva. (A) Prothorax and apex of head skeleton, apico-ventral view; (B) prothorax and apex of head skeleton, lateral view; (C) drawing of apical end of the head skeleton, lateral view. a = antenna; c = connecting tissue; lb = labrum; lm = labium; m = mandible; ma = postero-ventral muscle attachment apodeme; os = labial sclerite; ts = triangular sclerite.";
dc:description"Figure 13. Melangyna cincta, depression of the labium at the end of a feeding lunge inside a Phyllaphis fagi aphid (Aphididae), still from Film 7.";
dc:description"Figure 17. Calliphora vomitoria, drawing of the posterior face of the right hand mandible, elevator tendon on the upper margin and ridge of the hinge joint with the apex of the intermediate sclerite (Figure 18) across the lower margin, height 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"Figure 18. Calliphora vomitoria, drawing of the anterior face of the intermediate sclerite with inclined grooves of the hinge joint formed with a ridge on the posterior face of the mandible (Figure 17), maximum width 0.2 mm.";
dc:description"Figures 19. Meiosimyza platycephala, sweeping on the surface of a dead leaf, stills from Film 1 of a sequence lasting 12 sec in real time. (A) Limit reached of sweeping right; (B) sweeping back to the midline; (C) sweeping left.";
dc:description"Figures 20. Silba fumosa, a lunge taking about 1 sec. (A) Start of a lunge, ventral view, from Film 8; (B) start of a lunge, lateral view from Film 9; (C–E) mandible positions at the limit of extension: (C) ventral view; (D) mandibles starting to depress and separate, ventral view; (E) on the substrate, lateral view.";
dc:description"Figure 21. Palloptera trimacula, mandibles fully extended and separated on lowering into food, antero-ventral view, still from Film 10.";
dc:description"Figures 23. Coelopha frigida, stills from a film. (A) Mandibles gripping a substrate at the end of a peristaltic wave. (B) Prothorax folded over the pseudocephalon during the next locomotory wave.";