dc:description"FIGURE 22. Documentation of sympatry between D. rufiterminorum and D. clarkii in the vicinity of Guayacán, Costa Rica (Limón province, Atlantic versant; see Figs. 12, 20). A, Dendrophidion rufiterminorum, photographed by Alejandro Solórzano. B, Dendrophidion clarkii photographed by Brian Kubicki 22 August 2004.";
dc:description"FIGURE 17. Juvenile Dendrophidion rufiterminorum from the San Luis valley, northwestern Costa Rica (Pacific versant). From a color slide by Alejandro Solórzano. Photographs of the same individual were published in Savage (2002: plate 414) and Solórzano (2004: fig. 56). Compare the juvenile D. clarkii, Fig. 7 A.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Details of head and body patterns of Dendrophidion rufiterminorum. A, UCM 25794. B, UMMZ 69531. C, UMMZ 69531 (posterior lateral body).";
dc:description"FIGURE 18. Representative dorsal and ventral patterns in Dendrophidion rufiterminorum. A, UCM 25794 (Belize, 529 mm SVL). B, UTA 37288 (Guatemala, 755 mm SVL). C, KU 190918 (Guatemala, 903 mm SVL). D, UMMZ 69531 (Honduras, 872 mm SVL).";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Dendrophidion clarkii in life. A, Juvenile specimen from western Panama (AMNH 129758, 225 mm SVL). B, Adult from western Colombia (AMNH 109718, 894 mm SVL; compare Fig. 8 C). From color slides taken by Charles W. Myers. A nuchal collar is present in both specimens but with less dense black pigment in the juvenile.";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Specimens of Dendrophidion clarkii and D. rufiterminorum from northwestern Costa Rica. A, LACM 148557 (D. clarkii, upper San Luís valley, 1000 m, Pacific versant). B, LACM 149515 (D. rufiterminorum, Poco Sol de San Carlos, 540 m, Atlantic versant).";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Distributions of Dendrophidion clarkii and D. rufiterminorum in southern Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Guayacán and San Luis valley are the only known instances of sympatry. All known localities are plotted. Closed symbols are localities documented by specimens; open symbols are photographic records except for the open circle on the Pacific versant (a reliable sight record); see text for details. Numbered localities for D. rufiterminorum are mentioned in its species account: 1, Río San Juan (Nicaragua); 2, La Selva Biological Station; 3, Poco Sol; 4, Reserva San Ramón.";
dc:description"FIGURE 20. Distributions of Dendrophidion rufiterminorum and D. clarkii in Central America. Arrows indicate type localities. Labeled localities in Costa Rica (San Luis and Guayacán) are documented localities of sympatry between the two species. A few localities in Costa Rica and Panama are based on photographic records (see Fig. 12 and text).";