dc:description"FIGURE 3. Osedax talkovici n. sp., previously Osedax ‘yellow patch’. A. Paratype (SIO-BIC A7831) in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) bone deployed at 1018 meters in Monterey Canyon, with bone partially dissected away from specimen.Note distinctive yellow patch on ventral part of the anterior trunk. Palps have dorsally-oriented pinnules. In this specimen, ovisac and roots extend laterally beneath surface of the bone rather than penetrating deeply into bone. B. and C. Holotype (SIO-BIC A7821) in ventrolateral (B) and dorsolateral (C) views.Holotype is a female dissected from turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) bone deployed at 1018 meters. Root mass extended into the bone in this specimen, away from the ovisac. Oocytes are visible in oviduct in C. D. Ventral view of female paratype (SIO-BIC A7831) shown in A., now dissected from green turtle bone. E. Lateral view of paratype (SIO-BIC A7829), a female dissected from whale bone deployed at 633 meters. Pinnules of all palps are oriented dorsally. F. Dwarf male allotype (SIO-BIC A7828) taken from the tube of female paratype (SIO-BIC A7830). Hooked chaetae visible posteriorly, with spermatids in mid-body region and mass of mature sperm anteriorly. G. Anterior end of dwarf male allotype (SIO-BIC A7830) showing sperm mass.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Osedax phylogenetic analyses. Osedax multi-gene phylogeny with Monilifera as outgroup.Maximum likelihood tree topology based on a partitioned dataset of five gene segments (MAFFT-aligned) for data shown in Table 2. The Bayesian analyses gave the same topology. Bootstrap support % (BS) is at each node, followed by posterior probability (PP) from the MrBayes analyses. * indicates values were ± 95% (BS) and 0.95 (PP). Missing values indicate BS <50% and PP <0.7. Six major Osedax clades are distinguished, following Vrijenhoek et al. (2009), Rouse et al. (2015) and Taboada et al. (2015). The various forms of palps (or absence thereof in the case of O. jabba n. sp.) are indicated for the major clades but these are not intended to indicate apomorphic states.";