dc:description"FIGURE 21. External anatomy of Alicia beebei Carlgren, 1940. A) Lateral view of preserved specimen. B) Oral view of living specimen. C) Oral view of living specimen showing vesicles. D–E) Detail of lateral view of living specimen showing simple and compound vesicles, respectively. F) Detail of the tentacle showing small rounded protuberances. Capitulum (C), Scapus (S), Vesicle (V). Scale bars: 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 22. Internal anatomy of Alicia beebei Carlgren, 1940. A) Longitudinal section of the distal column. B) Cross section of the column at the level of the actinopharynx showing the cycles of mesenteries (cycles marked by numbers). C) Cross section of column showing gametogenic tissue. D) Cross section through a tentacle showing ectodermal longitudinal musculature. E) Detail of a cross section of the column showing compound vesicle and cnidae. F) Detail of a cross section of column showing parietobasilar muscles. G) Longitudinal section of proximal end showing basilar muscles. H) Detail of a cross section of the column at the level of the actinopharynx showing the retractor and parietobasilar muscles. Basilar muscles (Ba), Capitulum (C), Cnidae (Cn), Ectoderm (Ec), Endoderm (En), Mesoglea (Me), Oral disc (Od), Parietal muscles (Pa), Retractor muscles (Re), Siphonoglyphs (arrows), Vesicle (V), Tentacle (Te). Scale bars: A, C–H, 0.1 mm; B, 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 23. Cnidae of anatomy of Alicia beebei Carlgren, 1940. A, F, J) Basitrichs. K) p-mastigophore C. D, E, H, I, L, M, N, O, Q) p-mastigophores B2. P) p-mastigophore B1. B, C, G) Spirocysts.";