dc:description"FIGURE 42. Lateral views polyp armature of Litophyton species: a, L. brewerensis n. sp., holotype NTM C4050; b, L. legiopolypum (Verseveldt & Alderslade, 1982) holotype AMG 14806; c, L. oxleyensis n. sp., holotype NTM C4669; d, L. simplex n. sp., holotype NTM C3949; e, L. snakeensis n. sp., holotype NTM C10439; f, L. squamatum n. sp., holotype NTM C 4136; g-h, L. compactum (Verseveldt, 1966) holotype RMNH 2236 (after Verseveldt; magnification was not indicated by him).";
dc:description"FIGURE 56. Litophyton type specimens: a, L. nigrescens (Roxas, 1933), holotype SMF 61; b, L. compactum (Verseveldt, 1966), holotype RMNH 2236; c, L. elongatum (Kükenthal, 1895), holotype SMF 62; d, L. pyramidalis (Kükenthal, 1895), holotype SMF 63; e, L. carnatum n. sp., holotype NTM C4100. Scales 1 cm, a, e natural size.";
dc:description"FIGURE 58. Litophyton elongatum (Kükenthal, 1895), holotype SMF 62; a, abaxial point spindles; b, lateral point spindle; c, tentacle sclerites; d, polyp rods; e, supporting bundle spindle, partly; f, sclerites of surface layer top of stalk; g, spindles interior top of stalk; h, sclerites of surface layer base of stalk; i-j, spindles of interior base of stalk. Scale at c also applies to b, d; scale at h also applies to a, e, f, g, j.";
dc:description"FIGURE 59. Litophyton pyramidalis (Kükenthal, 1895), holotype SMF 63; a, lateral view polyp armature; b, abaxial point spindles; c, lateral point spindles; d, tentacle sclerites; e, the transversely arranged adaxial sclerites in 59a; f, supporting bundle spindle, partly; g, sclerites of surface layer top of stalk; h, spindles interior top of stalk; i, sclerites of surface layer base of stalk; j-k, spindles of interior base of stalk. Scale at c also applies to d, e; scale at i also applies to b, f, g, h, k.";