dc:creator"Cárdenas, Paco; Menegola, Carla; Rapp, Hans Tore; Díaz, Maria Cristina";
dc:title"Morphological description and DNA barcodes of shallow-water Tetractinellida (Porifera: Demospongiae) from Bocas del Toro, Panama, with description of a new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Ecionemia megastylifera Wintermann-Kilian & Kilian, 1984: A. Dark specimen found growing under coral rubble (1 m depth). Arrows point to its oscules. Scale: 4 cm; B. Large dark specimen found on Solarte South 4 (0.4 m depth) growing on coral rubble. It is covered with sediments and overgrown by sponges (Chondrilla aff. nucula and Amphimedon erina) and algae. Scale: 5 cm; C. Elongated coffee – colored specimen collected in a small cavity on Sache (15 m depth); D. Close up of the surface (dried) revealing the cribriporal pores. Scale: 0.5 mm; E. Cross – section showing the skeletal architecture: cortex and choanosome [ZMBN 81782]. Scale: 1 mm; F. Cross – section of cortex and choanosome [INVPOR 1148, holotype]. Scale: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Ecionemia megastylifera Wintermann-Kilian & Kilian, 1984 [ZMBN 81782]: A. Microrhabd and acanthostrongylaster. Scale: 10 µm; B. Acanthoxyaster. Scale: 2 µm; C. Acanthostrongylaster. Scale: 2 µm; E. megastylifera [INVPOR 1148, holotype]: D. Young triaene. Scale: 20 µ m; E. Microxea, microrhabd and acanthostrongylaster. Scale: 10 µm; F. Acanthostrongylasters. Scale: 2 µm.";