dc:description"Fig. 1 Grimpoteuthis imperator sp. nov. ZMB MOLL 240160. a–c Habitus before fixation showing dorsal, ventral, and oral views, anterior facing up. d, e Specimen prior to MRI following several months in 10% formalin solution showing dorsal and ventral views, anterior facing up. Stippled frame denotes the MRI region of interest. f Virtual section through the 3D MRI dataset, anterior facing right. The asterisk denotes a susceptibility artefact in the buccal mass area caused by ingested sediment. g Virtual section through the central long axis of the funnel. h Section of an arm showing the suckers and cirri, right lateral view. i Volume rendering of the viscera, ventral view, anterior facing up. j Close-up of the left gill showing eight broad lamellae. k Volume rendering of the viscera, oblique posterior view";
dc:description"Fig. 2 (See legend on next page.) (See figure on previous page.) Fig. 2 Grimpoteuthis imperator sp. nov. ZMB MOLL 240160. a Habitus prior to MRI following several months in 10% formalin solution showing a right lateral view, anterior facing right. The overlay of a lateral view of the surface-rendered 3D model (Additional file 2) illustrates relative size and position of the reconstructed organ systems. b Oblique anterior view of the entire 3D model of selected internal organs. c Virtual section through the left white body, anterior facing left. d Central nervous system and selected sensory organs, dorsal view, anterior facing up. e Volume rendering of the left stellate ganglion, anterior facing left. f Digestive tract with associated organs, right lateral view, anterior facing right. g Specimen prior to μCT following several months in 70% ethanol solution, dorsal view, anterior facing up. Stippled frame denotes the μCT region of interest. h Virtual section through the 3D μCT dataset, anterior facing right. The asterisk denotes ingested sediment. i, j Right lateral and oral views of the surface-rendered 3D model of the upper beak (Additional file 3). k, l Left lateral and oral views of the lower beak. m Virtual section through the 3D μCT dataset showing the anterior part of the radula in sagittal section. n Volume rendering of the radula, oral view. The asterisk denotes ingested sediment, arrow points to the rhachidian tooth. o, p Dorsal and right lateral views of the shell, anterior facing down. Stippled line denotes the fin cartilage insertion. q, r Dorsal and left lateral views of the male reproductive system, anterior facing left";
dc:description"Fig. 3 Geographic distribution of identified and unidentified specimens of Grimpoteuthis in the Pacific Ocean. See Table 3 for a list of the respective type localities";
dc:description"Fig. 4 Phylogenetic analysis of the Cirrata and other selected Octopodiformes based on the 16S rRNA gene sequence. Scale bar refers to a phylogenetic distance of 0.02 nucleotide substitutions; new species marked in bold font; numbers on the branches denote bootstrap values after 500 replicates";