dc:description"FIGURE 1. Habitus of Cephisus spp. A. C. laticeps; B-E. B. C. siccifolia; C. C. xanthocephala; D. C. sanguisuga from Amazonian basin; E – H. C. variolosus complex (E. “ typical ” variolosus, specimen # CNCHB 1904 – 11, from Oaxaca; F. specimen near C. brevipennis from Guerrero; G. specimen # CNCHB 1906 – 11 from Veracruz; H. specimen # CNCHB 1905 – 11 from Chiapas).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Head and pronotum, dorsolateral (perpendicular) aspect. A. C. laticeps, holotype; B. C. siccifolia; C. C. sanguisuga from Amazonian basin; D-F. C. variolosus complex (D. specimen near C. brevipennis from Guerrero; E. specimen # CNCHB 1905 – 11 from Chiapas; F. specimen # CNCHB 1906 – 11 from Veracruz).";
dc:description"FIGURES 5 – 15. Male genitalia of Ptyelini in lateral aspect (A), caudal aspect of theca (B) and widest aspect of style (C). 5. genital capsule of Ptyelus; 6. same, of Cephisus; 7. syntype male of C. sanguisuga; 8. C. diminutus, holotype; 9. C. laticeps, holotype; 10. C. xanthocephala; 11. C. magnificus, holotype; 12. C. variolosus; 13. C. siccifolia; 14. C. jacobii; 15. C. brevipennis, holotype.";
dc:description"FIGURES 3 – 4. Morphology of head (3) and wings (4) of Ptyelini. 3 A. face of Cephisus sanguisuga, holotype; 3 B. head and pronotum, ventrolateral aspect, of C. xanthocephala, holotype; 3 C. head and propleuron of unidentified Cercopinae; 4 A. tegmen of C. siccifolia, ventral aspect showing ventral flange (“ Sc ” of authors); 4 B. hindwing of same; 4 C. same, of Ptyelus sp.; 4 D. same, of Eulepyronia grossa Schmidt, holotype.";