dc:title"Revision of Dadagulella gen. nov., the “ Gulella radius group ” (Gastropoda: Streptaxidae) of the eastern Afrotropics, including six new species and three new subspecies";
dc:description"Figs 1-5. Lectotype of Ennea radius Preston, 1910, type species of Dadagulella gen. nov. 1. Apical view. 2. Apertural view. 3. Last two whorls, from left side. 4. Last two whorls, from right side. 5. Umbilical view.";
dc:description"Figs 43-50. Juvenile shells of Dadagulella gen. nov. species, with dentition emphasized in basal view including earlier dentition visible through the shell. 43-45. D. radius radius, Mbudya I. 46. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi. 47-48. D. browni browni, Mwanihana. 49.? D. ecclesiola sp. nov., Kimboza. 50. D. minareta sp. nov., Kimboza.";
dc:description"Figs 51-64. Apertures of adult shells of Dadagulella gen. nov. species (not to scale). 51. D. radius calva, lectotype, Taru Desert. 52. D. radius radius, lectotype, Shimba Hills. 53. D. radius radius, Amboni. 54. D. browni mafiensis subsp. nov., holotype, Mlula. 55. D. browni semulikiensis subsp. nov., holotype, Semuliki NP. 56. D. ecclesiola sp. nov., holotype, Kimboza (two views of shell showing basal tooth only visible when shell angled). 57. D. cresswelli sp. nov., holotype, Ngorongoro. 58. D. minareta sp. nov., holotype, Kimboza. 59. D. cuspidata comb. nov., holotype, Shume (note shell angled slightly differently to that in Fig. 31). 60. D. pembensis sp. nov., holotype, Ngezi. 61. D. frontierarum sp. nov., holotype, Mtai. 62. D. minuscula minuscula, lectotype, Nzwani. 63. D. minuscula minuscula, paralectotype, Nzwani. 64. D. minuscula mahorana subsp. nov., holotype, Mayotte.";
dc:description"Figs 65-68. Radulae of Dadagulella gen. nov. species. 65. D. radius radius, Amboni. 66. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi, radula in situ on odontophore, ventral view. 67. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi. 68. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi, teeth from ventral end of radular ribbon. Abbreviations: c = central tooth; ii, iii, and iv = examples of bi-, tri- and quadricuspid teeth respectively. All scalebars = 10 μm.";
dc:description"Figs 69-76. Salivary glands and genitalia of Dadagulella gen. nov. species. 69. D. radius radius, Amboni. 70. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi. 71. D. browni browni, Kosi Bay. 72. D. delta sp. nov., Mwanihana. 73. D. radius radius, Amboni. 74. D. browni browni, Kosi Bay. 75. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi. 76. D. delta sp. nov., Mwanihana. Abbreviations: ad = anterior duct of salivary gland; ag = albumen gland; at = atrium; bc = bursa copulatrix; bd = bursa duct; dv = diverticulum of vas deferens; e = egg; fo = free oviduct; hdd/t = hermaphroditic duct diverticulum / talon; ma = muscular apex; p = penis; pd = posterior duct of salivary gland; pr = penial retractor muscle; v = vagina; vd = vas deferens.";
dc:description"Figs 77-83. Penes and spermatophores of Dadagulella gen. nov. species. 77. D. radius radius, Amboni, penis with spermatophore in situ. 78. Same, hook and scoop in situ when hook lifted back to expose scoop. 79. D. pembensis sp. nov., Ngezi, penis. 80, same, spermatophore from penis of another individual. 81. D. delta, Mwanihana, penis. 82. D. browni browni, Kosi Bay, penis (diagrammatic). 83. D. radius crassa, Amboni, scoop magnified to show serrated edge. Abbreviations: cl = chitinized lobe; lh = large apical hook; ma = muscular apex; pr = penial retractor muscle; sc = apical scoop; st = spermatophore tail; sr = spermatophore reservoir; vd = vas deferens.";