dc:description"FIG. 57. — Reconstruction of the pelvic girdle of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868), NHMUK PV R 3701 (A, C, E) and NHMUK PV R 2076 (B, D, F): A, B, right lateral views; C, D, anterior views; E, F, ventral views. Target indicates anterior. Arrow points anteriorly. The right pubis and left ilium of NHMUK PV R 3701 are mirrored. The right pubis of NHMUK PV R 2076 is mirrored. Scale bars: 5 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 58. — Reconstruction of the pelvic girdle of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868), NHMUK PV R 3898 (A, C, E) and NHMUK PV R 2865 (B, D, F): A, B, right lateral views; C, D, anterior views; E, F, ventral views. Target indicates anterior. Arrow points anteriorly. The right ilium and ischium of NHMUK PV R 3898 are mirrored. The right pubis and left ischium of NHMUK PV R 2865 is mirrored. Scale bars: 5 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 59. — Pelvic girdle elements of Lemmysuchus obtusidens (Andrews, 1909), NHMUK PV R 3168 (holotype): A, left ilium in lateral view; B, left ilium in medial view; C, left pubis in lateral view; D, left ischium in lateral view; E, left pubis in anterodorsal view; F, right ischium in lateral view; G, surimposition of both ischia (right and left) of Lemmysuchus obtusidens, NHMUK PV R 3168. Target indicates anterior. Arrow points anteriorly. Scale bar: 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 54. — Pelvic girdle elements of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps,1868), NHMUK PV R 2076: A, left ilium in lateral view;B, right ilium in medial view;C, right ischium in lateral view;D, right pubis in anterior view;E, left ischium in medial view.Arrow points anteriorly.Target indicates anterior.Scale bar:1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 55. — Pelvic girdle elements of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868), NHMUK PV R 3898: A, left ilium in lateral view; B, right ilium in medial view; C, left ischium in lateral view. Arrow points anteriorly. Target indicates anterior. Scale bar: 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 52. — Pelvic girdle elements of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868), PETMG R178: A, left ilium in lateral view; B, left ilium in medial view; C, right ischium in lateral view; D, right pubis in anterior view;E, left pubis in anterior view. Arrow points anteriorly. Target indicates anterior. Pictures courtesy of Dr Michela Johnson. Scale bar: 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 53. — Pelvic girdle elements of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1868), NHMUK PV R 3701: A, right ilium in medial view; B, right ilium in lateral view; C, right ischium in lateral view; D, right pubis in anterior view; E, left ischium in medial view. Arrow points anteriorly. Target indicates anterior. Scale bar: 1 cm.";
dc:description"FIG. 56. — Pelvic girdle elements of Neosteneosaurus edwardsi (Eudes-Deslongchamps,1868), NHMUK PV R 2865: A, left ischium in lateral view;B, right ischium in medial view; C, left pubis in anterior view. Arrow points anteriorly. Target indicates anterior. Scale bar: 1 cm.";