dc:description"Fig. 7 a - Praeconosphaera sphaeroconus (Rüst OZ826. b-d - Praeconosphaera antiqua (Parona): b - OZ834, c - OZ838, d - OZ825. e - Tritrabs ewingi (Pessagno), arm in lateral view, OZ836. f-h - Emiluvia chica Foreman, OZ836; f - face view, g - lateral view from a spine, h - lateral view of a broken specimen showing the medullary test. i - Pantanellium sp. 1, OZ825. j, l-n1 - Pantanellium squinabolli (Tan): j - OZ834; l, m - OZ834, n - OZ836; m1, n1, details of inner wall of pores. k - Pantanellium sp. 2, OZ834. o – Pantanellium cf. squinaboli (Tan), OZ836; p - Praeconocaryomma copiosa Wu, OZ836. r - Praeconocaryomma thurowi Dumitrică n. sp., OZ836. s, t - Triactoma tithonianum Rüst, side views; s - OZ834, broken off specimen showing medullary shell; t - OZ825, equatorial view, t1 – face view; s1, t2 - detail of the base of spines of figs. s and t, respectively, x800. Figs. a-h, l-n x200; i-k, o-r x300; s, t x400, m1, n1 x500.";
dc:description"Fig. 1 Geologic map of the Siniscola area, NE Sardinia (from Dieni & Massari, 1971, updated in 1986). Legend: a - Recent and present alluvial deposits (Holocene). b - Scree deposits (Würm-Holocene). c - Detrital cones mostly composed of gelifraction limestone clasts (“éboulis ordonnés”) (Würm-Holocene). d - Uncemented alluvial cones mostly consisting of limestone clasts (Würm-Holocene). e - Terraced alluvial deposits composed of clasts of basement rocks (Riss?). f - Tightly cemented and dismembered alluvial cones mostly made up of gelifraction limestone clasts (Riss?). g - Cuccuru ’e Flores Conglomerate: polymict, chaotic and thick-bedded breccia and stratified sandstone (middle Eocene). h - Siniscola Marl: grey and grey-yellow marl and, in the upper part, alternating marl/marly limestone with ammonites and very abundant radiolarians and sponge spicules (late Valanginian). i - Schiriddè Limestone: light-brown cherty limestone and limestone with marly interbeds, containing ammonites, radiolarians, sponge spicules and calpionellids (early Valanginian). j - Monte Bardia Limestone: thick-bedded to massive white limestone in places bioconstructed, with corals, nerineids, etc. (early Tithonian - late Berriasian). k - S’Adde Limestone: light-brown to grey fine-grained, well-bedded limestone, condensed with hardgrounds near the base, cherty in the upper part, with ammonites and belemnites in the uppermost part (latest Bathonian - earliest Tithonian). l - Dorgali Formation: well bedded quartz-arenitic and locally ooidal brown dolostone (middle-late Bathonian). m - Crystalline basement (phyllite, micaschist, paragneiss, quartzite, etc.) (Palaeozoic). n - Fault. o - Attitude of beds and schistosity planes. p - Limits of slumped masses of Jurassic formations (Quaternary). q - Concave-upward slip surfaces delimiting rotational slumps (Quaternary). r - Edge of fluvial terrace. s - Quarry. A-A’ Trace of the geological section of Fig. 2. (extracted from Bottini et al., 2018).";
dc:description"Fig. 2 Geological section across the S’Ozzastru area (trace A-A’ in the geological map of Fig. 1). Legend: a - Recent and present alluvial deposits (Holocene). b - Cuccuru ’e Flores Conglomerate: sandstone and breccia (middle Eocene). c - Siniscola Marl: marl (1) and marly limestone (2) (late Valanginian). d - Schiriddè Limestone: cherty limestone (early Valanginian). e - Monte Bardia Limestone: limestone (early Tithonian - late Berriasian). f - S’Adde Limestone: limestone and cherty limestone (latest Bathonian - earliest Tithonian). g - Dorgali Formation: dolostone (middle-late Bathonian). h - Metamorphic basement (Palaeozoic). i - Fault (modified from Bottini et al., 2018).";