dc:title"The Volhynian (late Middle Miocene) marine fishes and mammals as proxies for the onset of the Eastern Paratethys re-colonisation by vertebrate fauna";
dc:title"The Volhynian (late Middle Miocene) marine fishes and mammals as proxies for the onset of the Eastern Paratethys re-colonisation by vertebrate fauna";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Fish remains from the Volhynian beds of Romania and Ukraine: A-B – Sarmatella doljeana (Kramberger, 1884), anterior part of the body (A), and caudal part (B), Leucuşeşti; C – Clupeinae gen. et sp. indet., isolated scale, Voineşti; D-E – Scombroidei indet., caudal part (D), Erbiceni, and middle part of the body (E), Aroneanu; F – Sparus brusinai (Kramberger, 1882), skeleton, Hrushivtsi; G-H – Sparus cf. brusinai (Kramberger, 1882), right dentary in lateral (G) and dorsal view (H), Pârâul lui Gheorghe; I – Bothus parvulus (Kramberger, 1883), body imprint, Româneşti. Scale bars equal 2 mm in C, 5 mm in A-B, D-E, G-I, and 2 cm in F.";