bibo:journal"Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society";
dc:creator"Macungo, Zanildo; Benoit, Julien; Fernandez, Vincent; Araújo, Ricardo M N";
dc:title"X-ray microcomputed and synchrotron tomographic analysis of the basicranial axis of emydopoid dicynodonts: implications for fossoriality and phylogeny";
dc:description"Figure 9. The anterior and ventral portions of the braincase of Kaaeingasaurus fossilis (GPIT-PV-117032): orbitosphenoid (purple) in (A) anterior, (B) dorsal and (C) left lateral views; basioccipital (lime green), parabasisphenoid (light blue) and pterygoid (yellow) in (D) dorsal, (E) left lateral and (F) ventral views; parabasisphenoid in (G) ventral view; and basioccipital in (H) posterior view. Horizontal CT-image through the parabasisphenoid and basioccipital (I). aptr, anterior (palatal) ramus of the pterygoid; bo, basioccipital; boc, basioccipital condyle; bocf, basioccipital longitudinal furrow; bolp, basioccipital lateral process; bovr, basioccipital median ridge; bovs, basioccipital vestibular space; bpt, basisphenoidal tubera; bt, basioccipital tubera; bvex, basioccipitalbasisphenoidal ventral excavation; clp, clinoid process; ds, dorsum sellae; dsu, orbitosphenoid dorsal sulcus; ic, internal carotid foramina; jf, jugular foramen; obasu, orbitosphenoid lateral sulci; obgu, orbitosphenoid dorsal gutter; obno, lateral notch; obpl, orbitosphenoid dorsal plate; obvp, orbitosphenoid medial vertical process; obw, orbitosphenoid wings; ofc, olfactory cavity; pbs, parabasisphenoid; psgr, parasphenoidal groove; pt, pterygoid; ptqr, posterior (quadrate) ramus of the pterygoid; stu, sella turcica; tra, trabecular spaces; ve, vestibule. Note that the articular surface of the exoccipital is represented by the horizontal square pattern in (D). The upper scale bar equals 5 mm and 1 mm in the lower. The upper scale serves for (A-C) and the lower for (D-H).";