dc:description"FIGURE 4. Neighbor-Joining trees of p-distances based on 1,044 bp of aligned NADH2 sequence data for individual selachian genera or groups of genera. Taxon names are followed by country, host specimen number (in parentheses), and GenBank number. Outgroup taxa used in each analysis were omitted from the individual trees. Scale bar values indicate substitutions per site. Specimens deposited in the Blue Resources Trust Ichthyology Collection are indicted by stars (see text for details). A. Carcharhinus and close relatives (Carcharhinidae). B. Rhizoprionodon (Carcharhinidae). C. Galeocerdidae. D. Hemigaleidae. E. Pseudotriakidae. F. Sphyrnidae. G. Iago (Triakidae).";
dc:description"FIGURE 14. Carcharhinus amblyrhyncoides (A–D) and C. cf. limbatus (E–H) (Carcharhinidae), and Rhizoprionodon acutus (I–J) and Rhizoprionodon oligolinx (K–L). A. Lateral view of female (SL-18). B. Ventral view of head of female (SL-18). C. Teeth of upper jaw of female (SL-18). D. Teeth of lower jaw of female (SL-18). E. Lateral view of immature female (SL- 52). F. Ventral view of head of immature female (SL-52). G. Teeth of upper jaw of immature female (SL-52). H. Teeth of lower jaw of immature female (SL-52). I. Lateral view of mature female (SL-21). J. Ventral view of head of mature female (SL-21). K. Lateral view of maturing male (SL-22). L. Ventral view of head of mature male (SL-53).";