dc:description"◂Fig.5 Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. and host sponge Petrosia sp. A Anterior region in dorsal view, prostomium faces down. B Fragment of one specimen. C-F–f Host sponges in their natural habitat. Scale bars: 2 mm A, B, 1 cm C, D and 5 mm E, F";
dc:description"Fig. 7 Stereomicroscopy images of living specimens of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. (A, C-H) and Ramisyllis multicaudata (B) for comparison. A Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. Holotype. B R. multicaudata anterior region, dorsal view; picture modified from Ponz- Segrelles et al. (2021), with permission. C Prostomium and first segments in detail, dorsal view. D Anterolateral view of prostomium with details of palps and pharynx everted. E and F. Pharynx everted in ventral view. G Branching asymmetries in dorsal cirri. H Branching asymmetries in body shape. Scale bars: 1 mm A, B, 200 µm C, D, 100 µm E, F, 2 mm G, H";
dc:description"◂Fig. 9 Scanning electron microscopy images of branches of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. A–F Midbody branching regions with segments of different morphologies, as long as wide with long dorsal cirri in A–C, much longer with short dorsal cirri in D, E and F Details of cirri alternation in length. A, C, E–F In dorsal view; B and D in ventral view. Scale bars: 200 µm A, C, 100 µm B, F, 400 µm D, and 500 µm E";
dc:description"◂Fig. 6 Scanning electron microscopy images of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. A Anterior region up to first 17 segments, dorsal view. B Prostomium in detail, anterodorsal view (broken antennae on stub). C Prostomium and first segments in detail showing dorsal bands of cilia, dorsal view. D–F Pores on dorsal cirri. Scale bars: 1 mm A, 200 µm B, 300 µm C, 50 µm E, 30 µm D, F";
dc:description"◂Fig. 10 Scanning electron microscopy images of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp., posterior-most regions and epithelium details. A–D Posterior ends. Arrow in C and D points to heavily ciliated anus. E– G Minute crests on the dorsal surface of midbody segments. Arrows point to crests laterally located on the dorsal surface. H Dorsal surface of posterior segments. I Clumps of cilia on dorsal surface of proventricular segments. Arrows pointing to pores in H. Scale bars: 100 µm A, B, I, 50 um C, G, 5 µm D, E,4 µm F, and 3 µm H";
dc:description"◂Fig. 8 Light microscope images of living specimens of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp. A Branching point. B, E–G Posterior ends showing pygidia. C, D, H, I Midbody segments in regions of long dorsal cirri. Arrows point to the ventral blood vessel in H and the digestive tract in I.A, D, E, and I in dorsal view. B, C, F and H in ventral view. G In lateral view. Scale bars: 500 µm A, E, 200 µm B, C, D, 100 µm F, H, I, and 50 µm G";
dc:description"Fig. 12 Scanning microscopy images of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp, parapodium and chaetae details. A–F, H Midbody tomahawk shaped chaetae. G Ventral cirri, arrows point to pores. Scale bars: 5 µm A, C 4 µm B, 20 µm D, 10 µm E, G, and 50 µm F, H";
dc:description"Fig. 11 Light microscope images of living specimens of Ramisyllis kingghidorahi n. sp., dorsal cirri, parapodium and segmental septa. A–F Dorsal cirri and spiral glands; arrow points to spiral gland in C. G Midbody parapodium, arrow points to pointed acicula, lateral view. H–I Three intersegmental septa forming a “Y shape,” dorsal view. Scale bars: 200 µm A, B, 50 µm C, F, G, H, I, 20 µm E, and 10 µm D";
dc:description"Fig. 13 Internal anatomical details of a branch and scanning microscopy images of stolons. A, B cLSM images of musculature and nervous system immunohistochemical stainings at a branching point, dashed-lined circles mark muscle bridges. C Male stolon. D Head of a male stolon. E Stolon parapodium, arrow points to paddle-like mod- ified chaetae. F Regenerating pygidium, after detachment of stolon. G Male stolon detached. H Stolon attached to the stalk segments. I Posterior segments of male stolon, ventral view, arrows point to oval structures, at the base of parapodia. Scale bars: 250 µm A, B, H, I, 500 µm C, G, 100 µm D, F, and 50 µm E";
dc:description"Fig. 14 Sexual dimorphism in stolons. A–E Female stolons, dorsal view. F–I Male stolons; arrows in F point to the first three segments, the only ones that contain sperm. G–I Stolons attached to the stalk, detail of pygidium in regeneration on the ventral side before detach- ment of the stolon (arrow in G), ventral view. H Light microscope image showing region of stolon head and pygidium regeneration, ventral view. I Stolon attached, dorsal view. Scale bars: 500 µm A, D, E, F, 100 µm B, G, H, and 200 µm C, I";
dc:description"◂Fig.2 Maximum likelihood trees. A Tree obtained when analysing 18S data set. B Tree obtained when analysing 28S data set. C Tree obtained when analysing COI data set. D Tree obtained when analysing 16S data set. Bootstrap support values below nodes. Syllis and Typosyllis species as they were originally described";