dc:description"Fig.2 | Results ofphylogenetic and biogeographical analyses. a, Time- calibrated reduced strict consensus treedepicting thephylogenetic position of V.gassenaegen.et sp.nov.and other pterosauromorphs,and their estimated biogeographic history.Absolute bootstrap frequencies (left) and Bremer support values (right) are indicated on each branch.b, Geographical distribution of lagerpetids during theMiddle to Late Triassic.Arrowsindicate dispersion events.c, Life reconstruction of V.gassenaegen.et sp.nov.by Caio Fantini.d, Biplot of accumulatedamount of latitudinal dispersionversus time for Pan-Aves during theTriassic.The pterosauromorph silhouette was adapted from ref.10 (CC BY 4.0;https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by/4.0/). The silesaurid silhouette wasadapted from ref.43 (CC BY 4.0; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Maps wereadapted from The Paleobiology Database(CCBY 4.0; https://creativecommons.org/ licenses/by/4.0/).";
dc:description"Extended DataFig.4 |Additional boneelements of Venetoraptor gassenae (CAPPA/UFSM 0356). a, Right manus inlateral view.Proximalportionof the right fibula in(b)lateral,(c)anterior,and(d)proximal views.e, Rightmetatarsal IV in anteriorview.f, Right metatarsalIII inanterior view.g, Digit III of theright pes inmedial view.ef,extensorfossa;mc,metacarpal;ph,phalanx;uph,ungual phalanx.Scale bars:1 cm.";
dc:description"Extended DataFig.5 | Reducedstrict consensus treedepicting the phylogeneticposition of Venetoraptor gassenae gen. et sp. nov.Absolute (left) andGC (grouppresent/contradicted)(right) bootstrap frequencies and Bremer support valuesare shown aboveeach branch.The silesaurid silhouette has beenadapted from Müller & Garcia43 (CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4.0/).";
dc:description"Extended DataFig.6 |Majority rule tree recoveredfrom the unconstrained Bayesian phylogeneticanalysis depicting the positionof Venetoraptor gassenae gen. et sp. nov. Numbers at nodesindicate posterior probabilities and dotted redvertical lines indicate theboundaries between thePermian and Triassic,Triassic andJurassic,and Cretaceusand Paleogene geologicalperiods. Life reconstructionof Venetoraptor gassenae gen.et sp.nov.by Caio Fantini.";
dc:description"Extended DataFig.7 | Ancestral geographicareas reconstructed by the Dispersal-Extinction-Cladogenesismodel in the eucrocopodan region of the tree. Abbreviations:AR,Argentina;BR,Brazil,Uruguay,Namibia;CH,China, Thailand,Kyrgyzstan;eNA,eastern USA,Eastern Canada,Morocco andAlgeria; EU,Europe,Russia andGreenland;INT,India,Tanzania,Zambia,Madagascar, Israel andSaudi Arabia;sAF,South Africa,Lesotho,Zimbabwe;wNA,western USA,British Columbia,Mexico and Venezuela.Life reconstruction of Venetoraptor gassenae gen.et sp.nov.by CaioFantini.";
dc:description"Extended DataFig.8 |Results of the morphological disparity analyses. Bivariate plots using:a, Whole skeleton;b,Skull;c, Rostrum;d, Forelimb; e, Anterior zeugopodiumand autopodium;f,Hindlimb.Sum of variances: g, Whole skeleton;h, Skull;i, Rostrum;j, Forelimb;k, Anteriorzeugopodium andautopodium;l,Hindlimb.In the Sum of Variancesthe dots are means and the95% confidence intervals weregenerated using thetwo tails of values recoveredfrom 9,999bootstrap technical replicates of adataset composed of n = 11 (Whole skeleton,Forelimb),n = 12(Skull,Rostrum),n = 7 (Anterior zeugopodium andautopodium) andn = 17 (Hindlimb)species of Ornithodiran precursors,n = 18 (Whole skeleton,Skull,Rostrum),n = 16 (Forelimb),n = 14 (Anterior zeugopodiumand autopodium) and n = 19(Hindlimb)species of Dinosauria,and n = 10 (Whole skeleton,Skull,Rostrum),n = 7 (Forelimb, Anterior zeugopodiumand autopodium) and n = 6 (Hindlimb) species of Pterosauria.Thepterosauromorph silhouette has beenadapted from Kellner et al.10 (CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).";
dc:description"Extended Data Fig. 9 | Additional results of the morphological disparity analyses. Bivariate plots using:a, Wholeskeleton;b, Skull;c, Rostrum; d, Forelimb;e, Anterior zeugopodium and autopodium;f, Hindlimb.Sum of variances:g, Whole skeleton;h, Skull;i, Rostrum;j, Forelimb;k, Anterior zeugopodium and autopodium;l, Hindlimb.In the Sum of Variances the dots are meansand the 95% confidence intervals were generated using the two tails of values recovered from 9,999 bootstrap technicalreplicates of a dataset composed of n = 5 (Whole skeleton,Skull),n = 4 (Rostrum,Forelimb),n = 3 (Anterior zeugopodium andautopodium) and n = 9 (Hindlimb) speciesof Lagerpetidae,n = 5(Whole skeleton),n = 6 (Skull,Forelimb),n = 7 (Rostrum, Hindlimb)and n = 3 (Anterior zeugopodium and autopodium) species of Silesauridae,n = 18 (Whole skeleton,Skull,Rostrum),n = 16 (Forelimb),n = 14 (Anterior zeugopodium and autopodium) and n = 19 (Hindlimb) speciesof Dinosauria,and n = 10 (Whole skeleton,Skull,Rostrum),n = 7 (Forelimb, Anterior zeugopodium and autopodium) and n = 6 (Hindlimb)species of Pterosauria.The pterosauromorph silhouette has been adapted from Kellner et al.10 (CC BY 4.0(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). The silesaurid silhouette has been adapted fromMüller & Garcia43 (CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).";