dc:description"FIGURES 174–189. Thraulodes schlingeri. 174–184, larval exuviae at the same magnification: 174, head with labrum and mandibles; 175, right pronotum and mesonotum; 176, part of sternum and left pleura with half of metanotum and hind protopteron, left fore, middle and hind legs; 177, abdominal terga and sterna; 178–184, tergalii I–VII; 185, immature larva (with ocher and whitish cuticular coloration and blackish paired hypodermal markings on abdomen); 186, anterior side of hind femur; 187, anterior side of fore tibia; 188, hind tibia with focus on outer-posterior row of stout setae; 189, the same with focus on outeranterior and inner-anterior rows of stout setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 190–197. Thraulodes schlingeri, labrum. 190–193, labrum on slide: 190, total view; 191, anterior margin with focus on posterior transverse setal row; 192–193, with focus on ventral side, median emargination and anterior setal row (represented by field of irregularly situated setae); 194–197, labrum of another specimen in anterior view: 194, total view; 195, median part with focus on anterior and posterior setal rows; 196, the same with focus on median emargination; 197, the same enlarged (arrows show six sensilla separating five denticles). Abbreviations: anter.r, anterior transverse row of setae (actually field of setae); poster.r, posterior transverse row of setae.";
dc:description"FIGURES 203–206. Thraulodes schlingeri. 203–204, male imaginal genitalia in lateral and ventral view; 205, larval protogonostyli and protopenis; 206, hind wing.";
dc:description"FIGURES 198–202. Thraulodes schlingeri. 198–199, male imago in lateral and ventral view; 200, penis in apical view; 201, penis in ventral view; 202, left half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum.";
dc:description"FIGURES 464–473. Thraulodes nigrabdominalis sp. n. (holotype). 464, left half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum; 465, 466, male imago; 467–469, fore, middle and hind legs of male imago; 470, subimaginal exuviae of fore leg; 471, genitalia of male imago; 472, apex of penis; 473, subimaginal exuviae of tarsus.";
dc:description"FIGURES 133–142. Thraulodes panamensis sp. n. 133, pterostigma; 134–136, male imago in lateral in ventral and dorsal view; 137–138, left half of subimaginal exuviae of mesonotum of two different specimens; 139, female imago; 140–141, genitalia in lateral and ventral view; 142, costal margin of fore wing (arrows show proximal costal cross veins) (133, 134, 136, 137, 141, 142, holotype).";
dc:description"FIGURES 143–148. Thraulodes panamensis sp. n. 143, genitalia of male imago in lateral view; 144, apex of penis with spearlike roll in dorsal view; 145, genitalia of the same specimen in ventral view; 146, subimaginal exuviae of genitalia at the same magnification; 147, larval exuviae of protogonostyli and protopenis at the same magnification; 148, hind wing (146, 147, holotype). Abbreviations: lp, pateral pouch; tp, telopenis.";