dc:title"A new freshwater fabriciid species (Sabellida, Fabriciidae) from the Uruguay River, Argentina, with some remarks on the relationships of Monroika Hartman 1951, Manayunkia Bourne, 1884 and Brandtika Jones, 1974";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Monroika clarae sp. nov. Arrangements of branches of radioles on radiolar crown. A. SEM micrograph of the radiolar crown, ventrolateral view. B. Arrangement of branches of the radiolar crown. The background colours indicate the branching of the radioles belonging to each other and their pattern in a folded radiolar crown. C. Semi-schematic diagram of radioles branching (same specimen as shown in B). D. SEM micrograph of the radiolar crown, dorsal view (some radioles broken off and in regeneration). (abbr: l dr left dorsal radiole, l mr left median radiole, l vr left ventral radiole, l vvf left ventral vascularized filamentous appendage, r radioles, r dr right dorsal radiole, r mr right median radiole, r vr right ventral radiole, r vvf right ventral vascularized filamentous appendage, v aprl ventral anterior peristomial ring lobe, vvf ventral vascularized filamentous appendages).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Monroika clarae sp. nov. Semithin sections (1 µm) of the radiolar crown A. Branches of three pairs of radioles and one pair of ventral vascularized filamentous appendage, all separated. B. Branches of right ventral and left median radioles start to fuse with one another (21 µm basal of section A). C. Fusion of the branches of radioles continues (20 µm basal of section B). D. Branches of ventral and median radioles completely fused, left and right dorsal radioles still separated (27 µm basal of section C). E. All radioles fused to radiolar lobes except the right dorsal radiole, dorsal lips visible (9 µm basal of section D). F. Radiolar lobes, vascularized ventral filament appendages and dorsal lips fused with one another (12 µm basal of section E). G. Base of the radiolar lobes, and ventral extension (collar) of the anterior peristomial ring (31 µm basal of section F). H. Base of the radiolar lobes, nephroporus, and ventral and dorsal extension (collar) of the anterior peristomial ring (15 µm basal of section G). Scale bars A–H 50 µm (abbr: br base of radiolar lobe, d dorsal, d aprl dorsal anterior peristomial ring lobe, dl dorsal lips, dr dorsal radiole, l dr left dorsal radiole, l mr left median radiole, l vr left ventral radiole, np nephropore, r dr right dorsal radiole, r mr right median radiole, r vr right ventral radiole, v ventral, v aprl ventral anterior peristomial ring lobe, vvf ventral vascularized filamentous appendages).";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Monroika clarae sp. nov. A. Total view of a complete specimen. B. Anterior end, ventro-lateral view. C. Posterior end, dorsal view. D. Thoracic uncinus, lateral view. E. Abdominal uncinus, lateral view. F. Short and elongate, narrowly hooded thoracic chaetae. Scale bars. A 200 µm, B,C 100 µm, D,E 5 µm, F 20 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Monroika clarae sp. nov. A. Anterior end, dorsolateral view. B. Anterior end, lateral view. C. Tip of radiole. D. Posterior end in tube, lateral view. E,F. Posterior end, dorsal view. G. Narrowly hooded notochaetae of chaetiger 2. H. Parapodium of chaetiger 5. I. Thoracic uncini with larger teeth above main fang followed by series of smaller teeth, lateral view. J. Thoracic uncini with larger teeth above main fang followed by series of smaller teeth, frontal view. K. Parapodium of chaetiger 7, with uncini with series of equal-sized smaller teeth above main fang. L. Thoracic uncini of chaetiger 7 with series of equal-sized smaller teeth above main fang. M. Narrowly hooded neurochaetae of chaetiger 10. N. Abdominal notopodium with 14 uncini, frontal view. O. Abdominal uncini with a single large tooth proximally surmounted distally by rows of equal-sized teeth, lateral view. P. Abdominal uncini with a single large tooth proximally surmounted distally by rows of equal-sized teeth, frontal view. Scale bars A,B,D,E 100 µm, C,G,I–M,O 10 µm, F,H 50 µm, N 20 µm, P 2 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Monroika clarae sp. nov. Semithin sections (1 µm) of the peristomium and chaetiger one. A. Anterior part of peristomium with strongly recessed faecal groove and paired nephridial ducts (14 µm basal of section 1H). B. Posterior part of peristomium with recessed faecal groove and unpaired nephridial duct (41 µm basal of section A). C. Anterior part of chaetiger one with sperm duct, metanephridia, formation site of chaetae and ventral nerve cord (36 µm basal of section B). D. Middle part of chaetiger one with sperm duct, metanephridia, chaetae and ventral nerve cord (27 µm basal of section C). Scale bars A–H 50 µm (abbr: ch chaetae, fg faecal groove, g gut, mn metanephridia, nc nerve cord, nd nephridial duct, sd sperm duct).";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Map of the study area in the Lower Uruguay River, Argentina, with sampling sites (modified from Paola et al. 2013), and photos of sampling sites 3 and 7.";