dc:creator"Schmelz, Rüdiger M.; Collado, Rut; Römbke, Jörg";
dc:title"Mata Atlântica enchytraeids (Paraná, Brazil): A new genus, Xetadrilus gen. nov., with three new species, and four new species of Guaranidrilus Černosvitov (Enchytraeidae, Oligochaeta)";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Guaranidrilus andreolii sp. nov. A. Anterior end, dorsal view. Note three pairs of postpharyngeal ganglia anterior to pharyngeal glands. B. Epidermal gland cells, dorso-lateral view, segments XXXI – XXXIII. C. Nephridia, left: preclitellar segment; right: two nephridia in one segment, seen at different optical angles. D. Sperm funnels, seen at different optical angles. E. Male efferent apparatus and clitellum, latero-ventral view. F. Anterior end, lateral view, with indication of extension of prostomium and segments I – III. Dotted lines: course of transverse lines of epidermis and transverse musculature in I – 1 / 2 II, schematic. Segment I, the peristomium, is longer dorsally than ventrally. The head pore, though seemingly near the tip of the prostomium, is actually located at its posterior end. All drawings from whole mounts. g, prostomial ganglion; ppg, post-pharyngeal ganglia; pvl, primary ventral pharyngeal gland lobe; svl, secondary ventral pharyngeal gland lobe.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Schematic representation of taxonomic differences of species described here. The following traits are shown: Genus level: Chaetal pattern, shape of epidermal gland cells (eg, only shown in a few anterior segments, except in E), presence / absence of prostomial ganglion (g) in front of brain (br), prostomial papillae (p), and frontal recess in prostomial epithelium (r). Species level: Distribution of epidermal gland cells, pattern of secondary ventral pharyngeal gland lobes (pg), presence / absence of oesophageal appendages (oa) and intestinal diverticula (id), extension of the latter, distribution of preclitellar nephridia (ne). A. Guaranidrilus andreolii sp. nov., B. G. m a rq u e s i sp. nov. C. G. cingulatus sp. nov. D. G. h o e f e r i sp. nov. E. Xetadrilus maacki sp. nov. F. X. aphanus sp. nov. G. X. fabryi sp. nov.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Guaranidrilus marquesi sp. nov. A. Segments IV – VI, lateral view. B. Epidermal gland cells, dorsal view, as seen in a living and compressed specimen. C. Segments IV – VIII, dorsal view. D. Coelomocytes, schematic. E. Male efferent apparatus. F. Preclitellar nephridia. G. Postclitellar nephridium. A, E, F, G, from whole mounts, B, C, D from living specimens.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Xetadrilus maacki gen. nov. sp. nov. A. Anterior body end, lateral view. B. Anterior body end, dorsal view. C. Segments XI – XIV, latero-ventral view. D. Spermatheca. E. Posterior body end with anus, lateral view. F. Coelomocyte. G. Preclitellar nephridium. H. Sperm funnel and ventral body wall with chaeta (XI), male glandular bulb and transverse copulatory muscles. dp, dorsal pore; fr, frontal recess in prostomial epithelium.";