dc:description"PLATE III. Fig. 1. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) marginatus, Lambe, inner side of left ramus of lower jaw, showing the teeth; one-half the natural size. Page 73. e, coronoid process; a, symphyseal surface; b, inner wall of dental chamber; c, mandibular groove; d, foramen. Fig. 2. Trachodon (Pteropelyx) sclwyni, Lambe, inner surface of teeth of lower jaw, to show succession natural size. Page 69. Fig. 3. Grinding surface of teeth of same specimen; natural size. Fig. 4. Scapherpeton tectum, Cope, dorsal vertebra, from the left side; twice the natural size. Page 31. Fig. 5. View from the front, same specimen. Fig. 6. Scapherpeton tectum, atlas, front view; twice the natural size. Fig. 7. The same, viewed from behind. Fig. 8. The samc, side view from the lcft. y, diapophysis _; z, prezygapophysis; ê, postzygapophysís l; s, neural spine 5 x, anterior articural cup; w, neural canal; v, facet for occipital condyle of skull.";
dc:description"PLATE XV. Fig. 1. Ornithomimus altus, Lambe, caudal vertebra, superior view, natural size. Page 52. Fig. 2. View of right side of same. Fig. 3. Ornithomimus altus, caudal vertebra, superior view natural size. Page 52. Fig. LL. The same, inferior view. Fig. 5. The same, right side. Fig (S. Ornithomimus altus, left sidc of lumhar vertebra of small individual natural size. Fig. 7. The same, superior view. Fig. S. The same, anterior view. Fig. Ü. Terminal phalanx of megalosauroid dinosaur, lateral view; natural size. Fig. 10. The same, proximal view. z, prezygapophysis i, postzygapoplıysis; s, neural spine e, transverse process. Fig, ll. Tooth of Deinorloıı cnrplanatus‘, Cope, side view; four times the natural size. Page 45). Fig. 12. Transverse section of the same. Fig. 13. Ptilodus primaevus, Lambe, right man libular rztmus,c.\\' ternal view; enlarged four times. Page 79. Fig. 1 -1. The same, internal view. pflf, fourtli prernolar; mf, first molar i, socket for incisor; n, socket for second molar. Fig. 15. Boreodon matutinus, Lambe, premolar. side view, four times natural size. Page TQ c, cingulum. Fig. 16. Right maxillary bone, (provisionally associated with Scapherpelnu tectmn), external view, four times thc natural size. Fig. ii. Inferior' view of the samc, similarly cnlargcd. Page 32. Fig. is. Prcınaxillary bone of Diphyodus longirostris, Lambe, inferior view; enlarged four times. Page 30. Fig. 19. Transverse section of samc, similarly enlarged. t, tooth-base m, interspace.";