dc:description"PLATE XVI. Fig. 1. Sacrurn, provisionally associated with Monoclonius dawsoni, Laınbe, superior view; two-sevenths the natural size. Page 61. Fig. 2. The same, viewed from the right.";
dc:description"PLATE XIX. Fig. 1. Myledaphus bipartitus, Cope, pavement tooth, face of crown; enlarged four times. Page 28. Fig. 2. Side view of same tooth. g, crown; f, face of crown; r, root. Fig. 3. Lepidotus occidentalis, Leidy, outer surface of scale natural size. Page 29. Fig, 4. Monoclonius dawsoni, Lambe, lcft scapula and coracoid, internal view. (Provisionally associated with M. dawsoni); onefourth natural size. Page 60 Fig. 5. Monoclonius dawsoni, predentary bone, lateral view. (Provisionally associated with M. dawsoni); natural size. Page 63. Fig. 6. The same, viewed from above. s scapula; c coracoid; a, suture between scapula and coracoid; g, glenoid cavity; b, upper,, border d, anterior end; e, groove for dentary.";
dc:description"PLATE XX. Fig. 1. Monoclonius belli, Lambe, parietal element of posterior crest, superior view; one-third the natural size. Page 66. Fig. 2. The same, inferior view. Fig. 3. Monoclonius dawsoni, Lambe, rostrai bone, side view; one-half the natural size. (Provisionaily associated with M. dawsoni). Page 63. Fig. 4. Outline of section of at “. ” same c Fig. 5. Horn core with an asymmetrical base. Kot specifically determined. Fig. G. Sectional outlines of same at a and h” g, groove for premaxilla";