dc:description"FIGURE 1. Vansoestia caribensis gen. nov. sp. nov. growing on the edge of a dead plate coral. A. General habit showing its overall growth form, with algae and polychaete calcareous tubes mingled within the body. Scale bar = 2 cm. B. Close-up view of a more relaxed specimen showing the subdermal canals (Sc), 3 – 8 mm wide, and the profusely abundant pores. Scale bar = 1.2 cm";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Photomicrographs of Vansoestia caribensis gen. nov. sp. nov. histological cross sections. A. Upper body region showing a thin ectosome (Ec) followed by wide subdermal canals (Sc) and the choanoderm with densely arranged choanocyte chambers (Cc). Scale = 110 µm. B. Detail of an area of the ectosome showing a dense “ amorphous matrix ” (Am) of collagen with dispersed dark stained cells with inclusions (Ci), Scale = 30 µm; C. Basal region where the sponge is attached to the substrate. Note the corallites (Co) of the dead coral where the sponge was growing, the choanocyte chambers (Cc) and canals (Ca), Scale = 200 µm. D. Detail of choanocyte chamber with more than 20 choanocytes (oval to triangular in shape). Notice at least two types of cells with inclusions (Ci) and collagen strands (Cs) in between the chambers and the cells, Scale = 15 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Detail of the internal morphology of Vansoestia caribensis gen. nov. sp. nov. at 400 – 600 X. A. Ectosomal cellularized cortex, where a 1 µm cuticle (Cu) lining the outer surface of the sponge is evidenced, Scale = 13 µm. B. Various cells with inclusions (Ci 1, Ci 2) and smaller choanocytes (Ch) embedded in a mesohyl with abundant strands of collagen (Cs), Scale = 16 µm. C. Portion of the sponge body in contact with the substrate (Co), showing abundance of collagen strands (Cs), and cells. Notice an aquiferous canal (Ac) that is not lined by larger cells with inclusions, Scale = 25 µm. D. Detail of the mesohyl showing an aquiferous canal that is lined by cells with inclusions type 1, and “ cell conglomerates ” and other types of cells, Scale = 32 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. TEM sections of Vansoestia caribensis gen. nov. sp. nov. A. Roundish to ovoid Spherulous cells type 1 (Sc 1) with nucleus (Nu) bearing round spherules containing light and dark inclusions, and abundant collagen fibrils (Co), Scale = 2.5 µm. B. Sperulous cell type 2 with electron dense dark granules, and bacteria within it, close to an aquiferous channel (Ac), Scale = 2 µm. Bacteria can be seen in the interior of the channel. C. Vacuolar cells (Sc 3) seen in the mesohyl close to an aquiferous channel, Scale = 2 µm. D. A microgranular cell (Mc) with striated membrane-bound bodies, among spherulous cells 1, and 2. Note the presence of abundant collagen fibrils (Co) between the cells, Scale = 1.3 µm. E. Portion of a choanocyte chamber where main body of the choanocytes can be seen, some with cytoplasmatic projections (Cy). A collagen fibril layer (Co) is found surrounding all choanocyte chambers, Scale = 1.6 µm. F. A triangular shaped choanocyte (Ch) with a basal nucleolated nucleus, contiguous to a layer of fibrillar collagen (Co) containing bacteria (Ba), Scale = 1.3 µm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Schematic representation of the phylogenetic relationships of the genera of Verongida, summarizing four previously published phylogenies (Erwin & Thacker 2007 [ITS 2 + 28 S]; Díaz et al., 2013 [cox 1]; Redmond et al., 2013 [18 S]; Thacker et al., 2013 [28 S];). Black circles indicate nodes with 100 % maximum likelihood bootstrap support in at least 2 studies; gray circles indicate nodes with 100 % maximum likelihood bootstrap support in 1 study, and none under 85 %; white circles indicate poorly resolved nodes, or phylogenies incongruent between studies. Proposed common characters are indicated with numbers: 1. Verongida with bundles of interstitial collagen fibrils either in the cortex, mesohyl, or within fibers; 2. Family Chondrosiidae (sensu Redmond et al., 2013) with a thick, acellular collagenous cortex; 3. Clade represented by the rest of the Verongida, all containing spherulous cells and brominated secondary metabolites; 4. Clade represented by Hexadella, with eurypylous choanocyte chambers, a thin cuticle, and lacking fibers; 5. Poorly supported clade (62 %) containing all the non - Hexadella classical genera of Verongida; 6. Moderately supported clade (85 %) containing all eurypylous verongids with a cellularized collagenous cortex. 7. Verongids with diplodal choanocyte chambers; 8. Verongids with an isotropic, welldeveloped fiber reticle, with oval to hexagonal meshes, and fibers with a distinct organic pith and a bark (concentrically layered) throughout the body. 9. Verongids with a variably developed reticulation of fibers, sometimes absent, with thick fibers with or without apparent bark; a morphological synapomorphy is yet to be discovered.";