dc:title"A revision of Scipopus Enderlein including the subgenera Scipopus s. str., Phaeopterina Frey and Parascipopus subgen. nov. (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae)";
dc:description"Fig. 14. Scipopus (Scipopus) chalybeus Hennig, 1934. A. Left wing, ventral view (USNM). B. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). C. Living, Ecuador. D. Thorax, left lateral view, illustrating white microtrichosity. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; cd = common duct; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermathecae; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 43. Scipopus (Parascipopus) otisi subgen. et sp. nov.A. Head,♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR).C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). D. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR).E. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). F. Habitus, ♀, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 39. Scipopus (Parascipopus) manifestus (Wulp, 1897) subgen. et comb. nov. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR).E. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type (CMNH). F. Habitus, ♀, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). Abbreviations: cd = common duct; bdp = basal distiphallus; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 26. Scipopus (Scipopus) nigripennis (Hendel, 1922). A. Head, anterior view, ♀, non-type. B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). D. Wing, close-up of anal (cua) cell (MNCR). E. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). F. Head and thorax, dorsal view, ♀, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). G. Living, ♀, Costa Rica (DEBU). Abbreviations: a =genital fork arms; b = basiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; epi = epicephalon; fv = false vein; h = hypandrium; ibp= inner basal processes; iv = inner vertical seta; p = phallapodeme; para = paracephalon; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 71. Scipopus (Phaeopterina) vee sp. nov. (CNC). A. Head, anterior view, ♀, Peru, holotype. B. Male terminalia, ventral view, Peru, paratype. C. Head and thorax, dorsal view, holotype. D. Female spermathecae and associated structures, holotype. E. Male terminalia, lateral view, paratype. F. Hind femur, paratype. G. Habitus, holotype. H. Male genital fork, ventral view, paratype. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 45. Scipopus (Parascipopus) tico subgen. et sp. nov. (MNCR). A. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype. B. Head, ♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, paratype. C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, paratype. D. Habitus, Costa Rica, holotype. E. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, holotype. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; cd = common duct; e =epandrium; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct.";
dc:description"Fig. 16. Varying patterns of white microtrichosity on the left thoracic pleuron of Scipopus convexus sp. nov. A. ♀, Brazil. B. ♀, Bolivia. C. ♀, Colombia.";
dc:description"Fig. 29. Scipopus (Scipopus) planus sp. nov. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, holotype (CBFC). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Peru, paratype (MUSM). C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, holotype (CBFC). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Peru, paratype (MUSM). E. Habitus, ♀, Bolivia, paratype (CBFC). F. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Bolivia, paratype (CBFC). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 22. Scipopus (Scipopus) furcifer Hennig, 1934. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Mexico, non-type (DEBU). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Mexico, non-type (TAUI). C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Mexico, non-type (TAUI). D. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Mexico, non-type (DEBU). E. Male terminalia, lateral view, Mexico, non-type (TAUI). F. Male terminalia, ventral view, Mexico, non-type (TAUI). G. Habitus, ♀, Mexico, non-type (DEBU). H. Head, lateral view, red line indicating slight convexity, Mexico, syntype (SDEI) (Photo credit: Frank Menzel). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 9. Scipopus (Scipopus) brikelos sp. nov. A. ♀, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). B. Thorax, left lateral view, ♀, illustrating white microtrichosity, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU).";
dc:description"Fig. 8. Scipopus (Scipopus) brikelos sp. nov. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). B. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU).C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). E. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). F. Thorax, ♀, left lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; gf = genital fork; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermathecae; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 10. Scipopus (Scipopus) calocephalus Cresson, 1926. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, nontype (MNCR). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). C. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). D. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). E. Head and thorax, ♂, dorsal view, Costa Rica, non-type (DEBU). F. Living, ♂, Soltis Center, Costa Rica. G. Thorax,♀, left lateral view, illustrating white microtrichosity. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 11. Scipopus (Scipopus) cartaboensis Cresson, 1926. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Guyana, nontype (ROM). B. Female spermathecae and associated structures, French Guiana, non-type (DEBU). C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Guyana, non-type (ROM). D. Male terminalia (damaged), lateral view, French Guiana, non-type (CMNH). E. Male genital fork, ventral view, French Guiana, non-type (CMNH). F. Thorax, ♀, left lateral view, illustrating white microtrichosity, non-type. G. Living, ♀, Brazil. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; e = epandrium; lsp = lateral shiny patches; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermathecae; pss = paired spermathecal stems; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 28. Scipopus (Scipopus) nitidus sp. nov., ♀, Colombia, holotype (IAVH). A. Head, anterior view. B. Head and thorax, dorsal view. C. Habitus. D. Thorax, left lateral view, illustrating white microtrichosity. E. Female spermathecae and associated structures. Abbreviations: cd = common duct; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; psd=paired spermathecal duct; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 31. Scipopus (Scipopus) souzalopesi Albuquerque, 1972. A. Head, anterior view, ♀, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). B. Male genital fork, ventral view (redrawn from Albuquerque 1972b). C. Head and thorax, dorsal view, ♀, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). D. Male terminalia, lateral view (redrawn from Albuquerque 1972b). E. Habitus, ♀, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). F. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Colombia, non-type (IAVH). G. Thorax, left lateral view, ♀, illustrating white microtrichosity. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 17. Scipopus (Scipopus) diversus (Schiner, 1868). A. Male terminalia, ventral view, Brazil, nontype (INPA). B. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, French Guiana, non-type (DEBU). C. Male terminalia, lateral view, Brazil, non-type (INPA). D. Head, ♀, anterior view, French Guiana, non-type (DEBU). E. Female spermathecae and associated structures, French Guiana, non-type (DEBU). F. Male genital fork, ventral view, Brazil, non-type (INPA). G. Living, ♀, Ecuador (INPA). H. Postpronotal lobe, left lateral view, non-type (CBFC). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; p = phallapodeme; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 27. Variation in white microtrichosity on the left thoracic pleuron of Scipopus (Scipopus) nigripennis (Hendel, 1922). A. Thorax ♂, Costa Rica. B. Thorax, ♀, Costa Rica.";
dc:description"Fig. 38. Scipopus (Parascipopus) kubus subgen. et sp. nov. (MNCR) A. Head, ♀, anterior view, holotype. B. Head and thorax, dorsal view, holotype. C. Female spermathecae and associated structures. D. Habitus, holotype. Abbreviations: cd =common duct; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 35. Scipopus (Parascipopus) alturas subgen. et sp. nov. (MNCR). A. Head, J, anterior view, Costa Rica, paratype. B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, paratype. C. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype. D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype. E. Habitus, ♂, Costa Rica, paratype. F. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, paratype. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; e = epandrium; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal ducts; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 36. Scipopus (Parascipopus) fenestratus subgen. et sp. nov. A. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type (MNCR). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). C. Head and thorax,♀, dorsal view, paratype (MNCR). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). E. Living, ♀, Costa Rica. Abbreviations: bdp = basal distiphallus; ddp = distal distiphallus; e =epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal ducts; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 44. Scipopus (Parascipopus) savegre subgen. et sp. nov. A. Head, ♀, lateral view, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, holotype (MNCR). C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, holotype (MNCR). E. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). F. Living, J, Costa Rica, holotype (MNCR). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 41. Scipopus (Parascipopus) monteverde subgen. et sp. nov. A. Head, ♀, anterior view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). C. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). D. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, paratype (MNCR). E. Male terminalia, lateral view, with cercus broken off, Costa Rica, paratype (DEBU). F. Living, with associated pseudoscorpion, Costa Rica, holotype (MNCR). G. Living, ♀, ovipositing, Costa Rica (photo credit: Jeff Cole). Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bdp = basal distiphallus; cd = common duct; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 58. Scipopus (Phaeopterina) lineatus sp. nov. (DEBU). A. Head, ♀, anterolateral view, Saint Lucia, paratype. B. Male genital fork, ventral view, Saint Lucia, holotype. C. Head and thorax, ♀, ventral view, Saint Lucia, paratype. D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Saint Lucia, holotype. E. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Saint Lucia, paratype. F. Pinned, freshly mounted, ♀, Saint Lucia, paratype. Abbreviations: b = basiphallus; bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; ea = ejaculatory apodeme; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic bulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 65.Scipopus (Phaeopterina) quetzal sp. nov. ♀, Guatemala, holotype (UVG). A. Head, anterolateral view. B. Head and thorax, dorsal view. C. Female spermatheca and associated structures. D. Habitus (retrieved from BOLD). Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca; vr = ventral receptacle.";
dc:description"Fig. 69. Scipopus (Phaeopterina) turgidus sp. nov, ♀, Colombia, paratype (IAVH). A. Head and thorax, dorsal view. B. Head, anterolateral view. C. Female spermatheca and associated structures. D. Habitus. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; pd = paired spermathecal duct; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss= single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 70.Scipopus (Phaeopterina) uniformissp. nov, ♀, Mexico, holotype (DEBU). A. Head, anterolateral view. B. Head and thorax, dorsal view. C. Female spermathecae and associated structures. D. Habitus. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermatheca; sd = single spermathecal duct; ss = single spermatheca.";
dc:description"Fig. 54. Scipopus (Phaeopterina) gorgonae (Hennig, 1935) (MNCR). A. Head, ♀, anterolateral view, Costa Rica, non-type. B. Habitus, ♀, Costa Rica, non-type. C. Male genital fork, ventral view, Costa Rica, non-type. D. Male terminalia, lateral view, Costa Rica, non-type. E. Female spermathecae and associated structures, Costa Rica, non-type. F. Head and thorax, ♀, dorsal view, Costa Rica, non-type. G. Living, J, Costa Rica. Abbreviations: bc = bursa copulatrix; bdp = basal distiphallus; ddp = distal distiphallus; e = epandrium; h = hypandrium; pb = phallic pulb; pd = paired spermathecal duct; ps = paired spermathecae; pss = paired spermathecal stems; sd = single spermathecal duct; sp = sperm pump; ss = single spermatheca.";