dc:title"<p> <strong> A revision of <em> Metaleptobasis </ em> Calvert (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) with seven synonymies and the description of eighteen new species from South America </ strong> </ p>";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Head, dorsal view. (a) i. M. amazonica, male lectotype; (a) ii. M. amazonica, female paralectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, male, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) ii. M. bicornis, male, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) iii. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Commewetane; (c) i. M. bovilla, male, Costa Rica, La Selva; (c) ii. M. bovilla, female, same data; (d) i. M. brevicauda, male holotype; (d) ii. M. brevicauda, female paratype, Peru, Tingo María; (e) i. M. brysonima, male, paratype of M. incisula, Venezuela, Marawaka; (e) ii. M. brysonima, female, paratype of M. incisula, same data; (e) iii. M. brysonima, female, holotype of M. weibezahni; (e) iv. M. brysonima, female, holotype of M. tetragena; (f) i. M. diceras, male lectotype; (f) ii. M. diceras, male, Brazil, Abuna; (f) iii. M. diceras, female paralectotype; (f) iv. M. diceras, female, holotype of M. fernandezi; (f) iv. M. diceras, female, Venezuela, no locality; (f) v. M. diceras, female, Brazil, Abuna; (g) i. M. falcifera, male holotype; (g) ii. M. falcifera, female paratype, Peru, Pakitza; (h) i. M. foreli, male, Colombia, Puerto Berrio; (h) ii. M. foreli, male, paratype of M. westfalli, Panama, No. 5 on Standley, 22 vii 1950, FSCA; (h) iii. M. foreli, female, same data.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Pterothorax, dorsal view. (a) i. M. amazonica, male lectotype; (a) ii. M. amazonica, female paralectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, male, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) ii. M. bicornis, male, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) iii. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Moengotapoe; (b) iv. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Commewetane; (c) i. M. bovilla, male, Costa Rica, La Selva; (c) ii. M. bovilla, female, same data; (d) i. M. brevicauda, male holotype; (d) ii. M. brevicauda, female paratype, Peru, Tingo María; (e) i. M. brysonima, male, paratype of M. incisula, Venezuela, Marawaka; (e) ii. M. brysonima, female, paratype of M. incisula, same data.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Prothorax and anterior portion of pterothorax, dorsal view. (a) i. M. amazonica, male lectotype; (a) ii. M. amazonica, male paralectotype; (a) iii. M. amazonica, female paralectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, male, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) ii. M. bicornis, male, Brazil, Paranapuebas; (b) iii. M. bicornis, male, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) iv. M. bicornis, male, Guyana, Potaro; (b) v. M. bicornis, male, Trinidad, Cumuto; (b) vi. M. bicornis, female holotype. o.c.: oblique crest; cr.: crest; e-l.: ear-lobe; l-v. p.: latero-ventral projection; p.l.: postero-lateral projection; t.: tubercle.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Prothorax and anterior portion of pterothorax, lateral view. (a) i. M. amazonica, male lectotype; (a) ii. M. amazonica, female paralectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, male, Trinidad, Cumuto; (b) ii. M. bicornis, male, Guyana, Potaro; (b) iii. M. bicornis, male, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) iv. M. bicornis, male, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) v. M. bicornis, male, Brazil, Paraupebas; (b) vi. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Langamankondre; (b) vii. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) viii. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Gansee; (b) ix. M. bicornis, female, Surinam, Commetewane; (b) x. M. bicornis, female, French Guiana, N of Cayenne. c.: c-shaped crest; e-l.: ear-lobe; l-v.p.: latero-ventral margin projection; p.l.: postero-lateral projection; t.: tubercle.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Genital ligula, lateral view (above) and ventral view (below). (a) M. amazonica, lectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) ii. M. bicornis, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (c) i. M. bovilla, Costa Rica, La Selva; (c) ii. M. bovilla, same data; (d) M. brevicauda, holotype; (e) i. M. brysonima, paratype of M. incisula, Venezuela, Marawaka; (e) ii. M. brysonima, Peru, Tambopata; (e) iii. M. brysonima, Brazil, Abuna; (f) i. M. diceras, lectotype; (f) ii. M. diceras, Brazil, Abuna; (f) iii. M. diceras, Peru, Manu. e.f.: ectal fold; pr.: prominent protuberance; s.d.: slight depression; t.: terminal fold.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Female S8–10, lateral view unless indicated otherwise. (a) M. amazonica, paralectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, Surinam, Commetewane; (b) ii. M. bicornis, Brazil, Belem; (c) M. bovilla, Costa Rica, Puerto Viejo; (d) M. brevicauda, paratype, Peru, Tingo María; (e) i. M. brysonima, paratype of M. incisula, Venezuela, Marawaka; (e) ii. M. brysonima, holotype of M. weibezahni; (e) iii. M. brysonima, holotype of M. tetragena; (f) i. M. diceras, paralectotype; (f) ii. M. diceras, Brazil, Abuna; (f) iii. M. diceras, Guyana, Kamana; (f) iv. M. diceras, Venezuela; (f) v. M. diceras, Trinidad, N of Sangre Grande; (g) i. M. falcifera, paratype, Peru, Explorer’s Inn, ventral view on right.";
dc:description"FIGURE 10. Male S10, dorsal view. (a) M. amazonica, lectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, Brazil, Paraupebas; (b) ii. M. bicornis, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) iii. M. bicornis, Guyana, Kumu River; (b) iv. M. bicornis, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) v. M. bicornis, Trinidad, E of Valencia; (c) M. bovilla, Costa Rica, La Selva; (d) i. M. brevicauda, holotype; (e) M. brysonima, Venezuela, Río Baria; (f) i. M. diceras, Brazil, Paraupebas; (f) ii. M. diceras, Brazil, Abuna; (f) iii. M. diceras, Peru, Pakitza; (f) iv. M. diceras, Peru, Pakitza; (f) v. M. diceras, Trinidad, Cumuto, paratype of M. manicaria; (f) vi. M. diceras, Trinidad, Cumuto, paratype of M. manicaria; (g) M. falcifera, holotype; (h) i. M. foreli, Colombia, Fundación; (h) ii. M. foreli, paratype M. westfalli, Panama, Barro Colorado # 54; (i) i. M. furcifera, holotype; (i) ii. M. furcifera, paratype, Peru, Río Seco. b.t.: bicuspidate tooth; r.: ridge.";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Male S10, medio-dorsal view. (a) M. amazonica, lectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) ii. M. bicornis, Guyana, Potaro; (b) iii. M. bicornis, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (b) iv. M. bicornis, Trinidad, E of Valencia; (c) M. bovilla, Costa Rica, La Selva; (d) M. brevicauda, holotype; (e) i. M. brysonima, Venezuela, Río Baria; (e) ii. M. brysonima, Peru, Tambopata; (e) iii. M. brysonima, Brazil, Abuna; (f) i. M. diceras, Brazil, Abuna; (f) ii. M. diceras, Trinidad, Cumuto, paratype of M. manicaria; (f) iii. M. diceras, Trinidad, E of Valencia; (g) M. falcifera, holotype; (h) M. foreli, Colombia, Fundación; (i) i. M. furcifera, paratype, Peru, Río Seco; (i) ii. M. furcifera, paratype, Peru, Río Seco; (j) M. gabrielae, holotype; (k) M. gibbosa, Ecuador, Copales; (l) M. guillermoi, holotype. b.t.: bicuspidate tooth; p-m.p.: postero-medial projection; pr.: prominence; r.: ridge; s.t.: single tooth; te.: teeth.";
dc:description"FIGURE 12. Male S10, lateral view. (a) M. amazonica, lectotype; (b) i. M. bicornis, Surinam, Kabalebo; (b) ii. M. bicornis, French Guiana, N of Cayenne; (c) M. bovilla, Costa Rica, La Selva; (d) M. brevicauda, holotype; (e) i M. brysonima, paratype of M. incisula, Venezuela, Marawaka; (e) ii M. brysonima, Venezuela, Río Baria; (f) i. M. diceras, Brazil, Paraupebas; (f) ii. M. diceras, Brazil, Abuna; (f) iii. M. diceras, Peru, Pakitza; (f) iv. M. diceras, Trinidad, Cumuto, paratype of M. manicaria; (g) M. falcifera, holotype; (h) i. M. foreli, Colombia, Fundación; (h) ii. M. foreli, paratype M. westfalli, Panama, Barro Colorado # 54; (i) i. M. furcifera, holotype; (i) ii. M. furcifera, paratype, Peru, Río Seco; (j) M. gabrielae, holotype; (k) M. gibbosa, paratype [FSCA], Ecuador, Copales; (l) M. guillermoi, holotype. sw.: swelling.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Photographs of types: M. brysonima, male holotype, (a) i. S1–2, ventral view; (a) ii. S8–10, lateral view; (a) iii. S8–10, medio-dorsal view.";
dwc:recordedBy"G. G. Klug & J. Schunke & E. I. Schlinger & E. S. Ross & Dep. & Yuyapichis & Biological Station Panguana & Schonitzer & Segerer & Kothe & Breitsameter & Conle & Hennemann";