dc:description"FIGURE 2. Sympodium omasum sp. nov. A. Holotype KBF-OA-00081 (MUFS-COTUG2 in Koido et al. 2019). B. Higher magnification of part of the holotype (KBF-OA-00081). C. Paratype KBF-OA-00082 (MUFS-COTUK16 in Koido et al. 2019) D. Higher magnification of part of the paratype (KBF-OA-00082). E. Paratype KBF-OA-00083 (MUFS-COMO63 in Koido et al. 2019). F. Higher magnification of part of the paratype (KBF-OA-00083). G. Paratype KBF-OA-00084. H. Higher magnification of part of the paratype (KBF-OA-00084). The red arrow indicates where the polyps are densely packed form knob-like mounds. The yellow arrow indicates where the polyps are less dense and coenenchyme can be observed. Scale bar: 10 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Tentacles of Sympodium omasum sp. nov. aboral (left) and oral sides (right) A. A schema of the holotype KBF-OA- 00081 (MUFS-COTUG2 in Koido et al. 2019). B. Stereoscopic microscopes images of holotype KBF-OA-00081. C. Paratype KBF-OA-00082 (MUFS-COTUK16 in Koido et al. 2019). D. Paratype KBF-OA-00083 (MUFS-COMO63 in Koido et al. 2019). E. Paratype KBF-OA-00084. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Light microscope images of sclerites in polyps of Sympodium omasum sp. nov., holotype KBF-OA-00081 (MUFS- COTUG2 in Koido et al. 2019). From A. polyp body B. coenenchyme surface C. coenenchyme interior D. tentacles. Arrows: hexagonal platelets.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Scanning electron micrographs of platelets of Sympodium omasum sp. nov., holotype KBF-OA-00081 (MUFS- COTUG2 in Koido et al. 2019) A. ellipsoid platelets B. hexagonal platelets C. double-heads. Scale bar: 10 μm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of sclerites of Sympodium omasum sp. nov. A–C, E–G, I, J. holotype KBF-OA-00081(MUFS-COTUG2 in Koido et al. 2019) D, H. paratype KBF-OA-00082 (MUFS-COTUK16 in Koido et al. 2019) A–D. surface of platelets E. broken platelets F. close-up view of a broken platelets G–H. surface of double-headed I. broken double-headed J. close-up view of a broken double-headed. Scale bar: 1 μm.";