dc:description"FIGURE 92. Jassa justi Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, major form, 8.5 mm, AM P34953; allotype, female, 6.9 mm, AM P37920; paratypes, subadult male, 5.4 mm and juvenile male 4.2 mm, AM P37921. Garden Bay, Macquarie Island (54°29ʹS, 158°58ʹE), 20 November 1977, J. K. Lowry and D. S. Horning, colls., station MA-10, among mixed red and green algae on rocky bottom, -3 m (AM). All views lateral. Setae omitted from the gnathopod 2 profiles except for those around the thumb and spines of the males in order to landmark position changes with growth. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 95. Jassa fenwicki Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, major form, 7.4 mm, AM P34951. Punui Bay, The Snares Islands, New Zealand (48°01′ S, 166°32′ E), 21 January 1977, G. D. Fenwick, coll. (AM).Allotype, subadult female, Cumberland Bay, South Georgia (54°14′ S, 36°28′ W), 9 May 1902, among algae, 1–2 m depth, type no. 3946 from lot no. 3015 (NRM). All views lateral. Setae omitted from the female gnathopod 2 profile. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 99. Jassa ingens (Pfeffer, 1888). Whole body: lectotype, adult male, major form, 22.1 mm, ZMH K-8017. Moltke- Hafen, Royal Bucht, South Georgia (54°30ʹ58ʺS, 36°0ʹ45ʺW), 16 Januarly 1884, Deutsche Polarstation 1882/83, K. Von den Steinen, coll. (ZMH). Adult male 1, major form, 20.3 mm and juvenile male, 10.6 mm, NHM 1969:705:9. Billie Rocks, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹS, 45°36ʹW), 5 March 1965, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 10 (97). SCUBA collection on vertical creviced rock with Lithothamnia, Desmarestia anceps, Ascoseira mirabilis, Iophon/Phyllophora, Porifera, Polyzoa, 1.9–2.2 m depth, IZ 1989-013 (CMN). Subadult male, 19.9 mm, NHM 1969:713:4. Billie Rocks, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹS, 45°36ʹW), 27 February 1965, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 20 (512), SCUBA collection on rock inclined at 45–50°with overlying boulders and sand in crevices. Lithothamnia, Desmarestia anceps, Rhodophyceae, Polyzoa, 7.4–7.7 m depth (NHM). All views lateral. Setae omitted from the gnathopod 2 profiles except for those around the thumb and spines of the males in order to landmark position changes with growth. Scale 1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 104. Jassa hartmannae Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, major form, 4.5 mm, AM P34950. Senecio Pool, The Snares, New Zealand (48°07ʹS, 166°38ʹE), 6 January 1977, G. D. Fenwick, coll., from Lessonia variegata holdfast, 1.5 m depth (AM). Allotype, adult female, NMNH 235008; paratypes, adult male, minor form, 3.1 mm and juvenile male, 1.8 mm, NMNH 235009, St. Clair, Dunedin, New Zealand (45°50ʹS, 17°20ʹE), 25 January 1968, J. L. Barnard, coll., station E973 (J. L. Barnard station NZ-8), formalin wash of algae, especially of pterocladians or streblocladians, heavy turf (Gelidium-Bostrychia) and several specimens of Pyura sp. (NMNH). Setae omitted on the gnathopod 2 profiles except for those around the thumb and spines of the males in order to landmark position changes with growth. All views lateral. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 93. Jassa thurstoni Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, major form, 5.9 mm, NHM 1969:761:2. Paal Harbour, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°43ʹS, 45°36ʹW), 5 February 1965, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 44 (1218).Anchor dredge over mud at 20–25 m depth (NHM).Adult male 1, major form, paratype, 6.0 mm, NMCC-1082. Observation Bluff, Outer Islet, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹ30ʺS, 45°35ʹ10ʺW), 14 September 1965, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 52 (2085), Agassiz trawl over gravel and sand, sand with some rock, algae on rocks, 20 m depth, NHM 1969:763:1 donated to CMN, accession no. IZ 1989-013. Adult female, paratype, 6.5 mm, NHM 1969:762:3. Berntsen Point–Bare Rock, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹ10ʺS, 45°35ʹ30ʺW), 16 October 1964, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 50 (AT 76). Agassiz trawl over gravel and sand, some rocks with Desmarestia anceps and Phyllogigas grandifolius, 5–10 m depth (NHM). Lateral view: whole body, antenna 1 and gnathopod magnifications; medial view: uropod 3. Setae omitted from the gnathopod 2 profiles except for those around the thumb and spines of the male 1 in order to landmark position changes with growth. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 96. Jassa kjetilanna Vader and Krapp, 2005. Adult male, major form, 6.5 mm. Choiseul Sound, East Falkland, 29 October 2003, A. and W. Vader, coll., from the lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846) at 20–30 m depth (TSZ Cr 19054). Lateral view: whole body and uropod 3; dorsal view: telson; other views medial. Scale 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 88. Jassa alonsoae Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, major form, 11.1 mm, ZMH K-33619; allotype, female, 9.8 mm, ZMH K-33635; paratype, adult male, minor form, 9.3 mm; paratype, large juvenile male, 12.8 mm; paratype, small juvenile male, 4.6 mm. South Georgia (54°30’58ʺS, 36°0’45ʺW), 16 January 1884, Deutsche Polar Commission, K. von den Steinen, coll., station 7804 (ZMH K-8017A). All views lateral. Setae omitted from the gnathopod 2 profiles except for those around the thumb and spines of the males in order to landmark position changes with growth. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 97. Jassa kjetilanna Vader and Krapp, 2005. Adult female, 5.0 mm; subadult male, 5.0 mm; juvenile male, 3.5 mm. Choiseul Sound, East Falkland, 29 October 2003, A. and W. Vader, coll., from the lithodid crab Paralomis granulosa (Hombron & Jacquinot, 1846) at 20–30 m depth (TSZ Cr 19054). All views medial. Scale 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 100. Jassa ingens (Pfeffer, 1888). Adult male, major form, 20.3 mm, NHM 1969:705:9. Billie Rocks, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹS, 45°36ʹW), 5 March 1965, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 10 (97). SCUBA collection on vertical creviced rock with Lithothamnia, Desmarestia anceps, Ascoseira mirabilis, Iophon/Phyllophora, Porifera, Polyzoa, 1.9–2.2 m depth, IZ 1989-013 (CMN). Adult female, 19.2 mm, NHM 723:7, Factory Cove–Berntsen Point, Signy Island, South Orkney Islands (60°42ʹS, 45°36ʹW), 15 April 1964, M. H. Thurston, coll., station 46 (1929). Agassiz trawl close inshore over boulder slopes with Desmarestia anceps, Phyllogigas grandifolius and Rhodophyceae dominant, 6–14 m depth, IZ 1989-013 (CMN). Lateral view: male uropod 3; medial views: female gnathopod 2 and uropod 3. Scale 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 85. Jassa myersi Conlan, 1990. Holotype, adult male, 5.8 mm, NHMLA 61-125.1; allotype, adult female, 4.4 mm, NHMLA 125.2; paratype, juvenile male, 3.7 mm, NHMLA 125.3. Coal Oil Point, Goleta, California, 2 July 1961, J. L. Barnard, coll., station 39-H-2, on rock surfaces in Phyllospadix zone, low intertidal zone. Adult male 1, 4.5 mm and subadult male, 5.1 mm, Coal Oil Point, Goleta, California, 2 July 1961, J. L Barnard, coll., station 39-K-1, on rock surfaces in Phyllospadix zone, low intertidal zone (NHMLA). Lateral views: whole body and uropods; dorsal view: telson; other views medial. Appendages are of the holotype unless noted otherwise. Scale 0.1 mm. Illustration after Conlan (1990).";
dc:description"FIGURE 11. Records of Southern Hemisphere species of Jassa. Red dot: identification confirmed by specimen examination; green dot: literature record (Supplementary Table S1) with identification not confirmed but judged likely to be this species; blue x: suspected or known to be on the hull or interior of a boat or ship.";