dc:description"FIGURE 16. Osedax packardorum n. sp., previously Osedax ‘orange collar’. A. Ventral view of the trunk and crown of adult female on bone of a gray whale calf (Eschrichtius robustus) deployed at 385 meters in Monterey Canyon.Bone was recovered and brought to laboratory. Note distinctive dark orange ring around anterior end of trunk two blood vessels in each palp and numerous pinnules. Also note midventral gap in orange pigment ring. B. Another female from same bone in an aquarium. Female is spawning oocytes into water via oviduct that extends from trunk into crown of palps. Arrowhead indicates tip of oviduct. C. Micrograph of live paratype (SIO-BIC A7843) with ovisac and roots still largely in bone. D. Transverse section (7 µm) of paratype (SIO-BIC A7843) through crown showing pinnules of all palps oriented dorsally and oviduct lying slightly to side of the dorsalmost palps. E. Ventral view of trunk of paratype (SIO-BIC A7844). Pigmented ring is less orange in this specimen, but shows midventral gap. Pinnules of all palps are oriented dorsally. F. Mature sperm in head of a male dissected from the tube of paratype (SIO-BIC A7842). G. Transverse section (7 µm) through trunk of paratype (SIO-BIC A7843) showing extensive musculature and glands. Prominent dorsal and ventral blood vessels are also visible. H. Differential interference micrograph of male in the tube of paratype (SIO-BIC A7842). Prototroch is visible anteriorly as is a mass of mature sperm. Spermatid bundles (very squeezed) fill majority of body. Hooked chaetae are visible in expanded posterior region.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Osedax phylogenetic analyses. Osedax multi-gene phylogeny with Monilifera as outgroup.Maximum likelihood tree topology based on a partitioned dataset of five gene segments (MAFFT-aligned) for data shown in Table 2. The Bayesian analyses gave the same topology. Bootstrap support % (BS) is at each node, followed by posterior probability (PP) from the MrBayes analyses. * indicates values were ± 95% (BS) and 0.95 (PP). Missing values indicate BS <50% and PP <0.7. Six major Osedax clades are distinguished, following Vrijenhoek et al. (2009), Rouse et al. (2015) and Taboada et al. (2015). The various forms of palps (or absence thereof in the case of O. jabba n. sp.) are indicated for the major clades but these are not intended to indicate apomorphic states.";