dc:title"Annotated Catalog of Vespid Hosts (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of Tachinidae (Diptera), with Description of a New Species of Ophirion Townsend from Brazil";
dc:description"Fig. 2. Type material of Ophirion Townsend. A, C, E, G: Lateral habitus, dorsal habitus, head in frontal view and labels of holotype female of Ophirionopsis brasiliensis Townsend (USNM), respectively; B, D, F, H: Lateral habitus, dorsal habitus, head in frontal view and labels of holotype male of Oxyophirion punctigerum Townsend (USNM), respectively. Scale bars = 2 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 1. Record of Ophirion lenkoi sp. nov. in Polybia (Myrapetra) scutellaris (White). A, Label; B, D, F: Head in frontal view, lateral habitus and dorsal habitus of holotype male of O. lenkoi sp. nov. (MZSP), respectively; C, E: Lateral habitus and dorsal habitus of worker female of P. (M.) scutellaris, respectively. Scale bars = 2 mm.";
dc:description"Fig. 4. Record of Lixophaga punctata (Townsend) in Polybia (Myrapetra) scutellaris (White). A, C, E: Lateral habitus, dorsal habitus and head in frontal view of male (MZSP), respectively; B, D, F: Lateral habitus, dorsal habitus and head in frontal view of female (MZSP), respectively. Scale bars = 2 mm.";