dc:description"FIGURE 12. A. Cladorhiza investigator sp. nov. Holotype QM G337458. B. Large anisochelae. C. Small anisochelae. D. Large Mycalostyle. E. Magnified ends of the mycalostyle illustrated in D. F. Medium Mycalostyle. G. Magnified ends of the mycalostyle illustrated in F. H. Subtylostyles. I. Magnified ends of the tylostyle illustrated in H. J. Sigma. K. Sigmancistra.";
dc:description"FIGURE 13. Cladorhiza investigator sp. nov. Holotype QM G337458. A. External view of the filaments showing the tightly packed anisochelae in the ectosome. B. The ectosome of the filaments exposed revealing the mycalostyles in the endosome. C. The external surface of the stem showing the ectosomal plates formed by the mycalostyles and the almost alternate juxtaposition of the filaments. D. Internal T.S. of the stem showing the mycalostyles buttressing the filaments after they have emerged from the confused core. In addition it shows the longitudinal tracks of mycalostyles. E. Cross section of the stem, showing the nine radial filaments intersecting in the core of the stem, and the thin wedges of anisochelae and sigmas between these arms. F. Branching roots of the sponge, showing an almost absent ectosome, but the tight bundles of mycalostyles and three thin subtylostyles in the upper branch.";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Maximum-likelihood phylogram of the DNA sequences of this study in comparison with other, published cornivorous sponges. Sequences from taxa of this study are in bold. Number at the branches are RAxML rapid bootstrap values. Numbers following the taxa are either QM registration numbers (QM G3xxxxx) or NCBI Genbank accession numbers. Scale bare are substitutions per site. Please note that the reconstruction does not represent a phylogeny as due to the variability of the 28SrRNA gene C-Region barcoding marker no unambiguous alignment is possible and clipping ambiguous sites would remove diagnostic characters for taxon distinction. The tree therefore indicates molecular differences rather than a robust phylogeny.";