dc:description"Figure 1. Clypeal shape varying from rounded, parabolic, trapezoidal, subquadrate (A-D), and emarginate (E-F). Lateral edge of mandibles with no reflexed teeth (lacking teeth in A, but the mandible is reflexed rather than flattened in A, two reflexed teeth (B, E, F), or one reflexed tooth (C )). Apical bead of pronotum varying from obsolete (A) to complete medially (B, C, D, F). Disc of frons with V-shaped depression (E) or frons planar, smooth, lacking V-shaped depression (A-D, F) A Chrysina beyeri Skinner B Epichalcoplethis velutipes velutipes (Arrow) C Parhomonyx fuscoaeneus (Ohaus) D Chipita mexicana (Ohaus) E Sorocha sp. F Homonyx elongatus (Blanchard).";
dc:description"Figure 100. Sorocha marxi Soula male specimen from DJCC. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";
dc:description"Figure 101. Sorocha maylini Soula holotype male from BMNH. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels and male genitalia D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";
dc:description"Figure 102. Pelidnota (Ganonota) plicipennis Ohaus (valid name Sorocha plicipennis [Ohaus]) type male from ZMHB. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels and male genitalia D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";
dc:description"Figure 103. Pelidnota similis Ohaus (valid name Sorocha similis [Ohaus]) male specimen (possibly invalid type) from ZMHB. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels and male genitalia D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";
dc:description"Figure 104. Pelidnota tolimana Ohaus (valid name Sorocha tolimana [Ohaus]) male syntype from ZMHB. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels and male genitalia D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";
dc:description"Figure 105. Pelidnota (Ganonota) yungana Ohaus (valid name Sorocha yungana [Ohaus]) male holotype from ZMHB. A Dorsal habitus B Lateral habitus C Specimen labels and male genitalia D Male genitalia, lateral view E Male parameres, caudal view.";