dc:creator"Orr, James Wilder; Kai, Yoshiaki; Nakabo, Tetsuji";
dc:title"Snailfishes of the Careproctus rastrinus complex (Liparidae): redescriptions of seven species in the North Pacific Ocean region, with the description of a new species from the Beaufort Sea";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Selected western Pacific species of the Careproctus rastrinus species complex: A) C. rastrinus, FAKU 131687, 320.7 mm; B) C. trachysoma, FAKU 130800, 214.4 mm, light morphotype; C) C. trachysoma, FAKU 131402, 264.8 mm, dark morphotype.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Pectoral girdles of species of the Careproctus rastrinus species complex: A) C. rastrinus, HUMZ 60772, 149.2 mm; B) C. trachysoma, FAKU 131179, 229.2 mm; C) C. scottae, UW 155110, 165 mm; D) C. acanthodes, FAKU 135569, 79.2 mm; E) C. pellucidus, FAKU 135317, 210.0 mm; F) C. phasma, UW 117934, 191 mm; G) C. lerikimae n. sp., paratype, UW 154841. Scale bar = 5 mm. c = coracoid, f = interradial fenestra, pr = proximal radial, dr = distal radial, s = scapula. Shaded areas represent cartilage.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Distribution of species of the Careproctus rastrinus species complex: C. rastrinus (□), C. trachysoma (●), C. scottae (○), C. acanthodes (◊), C. pellucidus (▲), C. phasma (■), C. spectrum (∆), and C. lerikimae n. sp. (♦), based on material examined. Each symbol may represent more than one capture.";