dc:description"FIGURE 4. Aclogryllus manauensis n. sp., holotype male. (A) head, frontal view; (B) head and pronotum, dorsal view; (C) head and pronotum, lateral view; (D) right tegmen, dorsal view; (E) teeth of stridulatory file, ventral view; (F) femur III; (G) apical internal portion of tibia III, lateral view (black arrow pointing the first apical internal spur and white arrow pointing the second apical internal spur); (H) supra-anal plate; (I) subgenital plate.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Aclogryllus crybelos n. comb., holotype male. (A) habitus, dorsal view; (B) head, frontal view; (C) head and pronotum, dorsal view; (D) head and pronotum, lateral view; (E) right tegmen, dorsal view; (F) apical internal portion of leg III, lateral view (black arrow pointing the first apical internal spur and white arrow pointing the second apical internal spur); (G) subgenital plate; (H) labels in holotype pin.";
dc:description"FIGURE 2. Aclogryllus crybelos n. comb., holotype male genitalia. (A–C) drawings adapted from Gorochov (2009, pag. 568): (A) dorsal, (B) ventral and (C) lateral views; (D–F) holotype male genitalia photographs: (D) dorsal, (E) ventral and (F) lateral views; (G) labels in the genitalia’s microvial. Abbreviations: *ap = apical projection of the lateral epiphallic arm; en.a = endoparameral apodeme; ep.a = lateral epiphallic arm; ep.b = median epiphallic bridge; ep.l = hind lateral lobe of median epiphallic bridge; g = guiding rod; m = mold of spermatophore attachment plate; *ph = projection of hind lateral lobe of median epiphallic bridge; r = ramus; *sp = subapical projection of the lateral epiphallic arm.";