dc:title"Updating the phylogeny and taxonomy of pleurostomatid ciliates (Protista: Ciliophora) with establishment of a new family, a new genus and two new species";
dc:description"Figure 2. Paralitonotus foissneri sp. nov. in life (A–D) and after silver proteinate staining (E–H). A, left view of a typical individual; the arrow marks the contractile vacuole. B, right view of an extended individual; the arrow marks the contractile vacuole. C, extrusomes. D, nuclear apparatus. E, details of the oral region. F, shape variants. G, anterior portion of right side; the arrow marks the anterior end of the second rightmost right kinety (green line), and the arrowhead points to the anterior end of the rightmost right kinety (blue line). H, I, ciliary patterns of left (H) and right (I) sides of the holotype specimen. Abbreviations: DB, dorsal brush; PK1, perioral kinety 1; PK2, perioral kinety 2; RKn, rightmost right kinety; RKn−1, the second rightmost right kinety. Scale bars: 75 µm in A; 100 µm in B, D; 2 µm in C; 40 µm in G, H.";
dc:description"Figure 3. Photomicrographs of Paralitonotus foissneri sp. nov. in life (A–I), after silver proteinate staining (J–L) and after Hoechst 33342 staining (M). A, B, left views. C, right view; the arrow marks the contractile vacuole. D–F, G, I, shape variants; the arrow points to the contractile vacuole, and the arrowhead marks macronuclear nodules. H, details of cytoplasm; arrowheads point to extrusomes. J, right side of the holotype specimen. K, macronuclear nodules. L, details of anterior portion of right side; asterisks mark the anterior end of right somatic kineties. M, showing the nuclear apparatus; arrowhead indicates the micronucleus, and arrows show the macronuclear nodules. Abbreviations: Ma, macronucleus; PK1, perioral kinety 1. Scale bars: 100 µm in A–E; 40 µm in F, G, J; 75 µm in I; 30 µm in M.";
dc:description"Figure 8. Nucleotide differences between similar species based on small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences. A, nucleotide differences between Paralitonotus foissneri sp. nov. and similar species. B, nucleotide differences between Loxophyllum spp.Two new sequences in our present work are on the first row. Numbers indicate the position of nucleotides. Missing sites are indicated by dashes (–). Filled circles represent the same position of nucleotides. Abbreviations: Apo., Apolitonotus; L., Loxophyllum; Lit., Litontous; Par. foissneri, Paralitonotus foissneri sp. nov.; Pro., Protolitonotus; Pse., Pseudolitonotus.";