dc:title"The epigean Australasian species of Neobidessodes gen. n. diving beetles- a revision integrating morphology, cybertaxonomy, DNA taxonomy and phylogeny (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Bidessini)";
dc:description"FIGURES 13–17. Median lobe of aedeagus in ventral (a) and lateral view (b), and right paramere in lateral view (c): 13) Neobidessodes thoracicus sp.n. (paratype); 14) N. thoracicus sp.n. (“light form”); 15) N. flavosignatus; 16) N. mjobergi and 17) N. samkrisi sp.n. (scale bar = 0.5 mm) (Photos: L. Hendrich).";
dc:description"FIGURES 18–20. Median lobe of aedeagus in ventral (a) and lateral view (b), and right paramere in lateral view (c): 18) Neobidessodes bilita; 19) N. denticulatus and 20) N. grossus (scale bar = 0.5 mm) (Photos: L. Hendrich).";
dc:description"FIGURE 27. Phylogram of the tree obtained using GARLI and cox1 and 16S data for Australasian Bidessini, Neotropical Bidessodes and outgroups. Node support, when above 50%: bold (GARLI bootstrap), italics (MrBayes posterior propablities>0.5, x100), normal font (TNT jackknife values). Note: “Clypeodytes migrator” will be transferred to Leiodytes in a forthcoming revision (Hendrich et al. in prep.).";
dc:description"FIGURE 28. Phylogram of the tree obtained using GARLI and with cox1 data for Neobidessodes alone. Node support, when above 50%: bold (GARLI bootstrap), normal font (TNT parsimony jackknife values). Abbreviations behind N. thoracicus sp.n.: “b.s” = black specimens; “l.f.” = “light form”.";