dc:title"Phylogeny, taxonomy and flower-breeding ecology of the Colocasiomyia cristata species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of ten new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Characters 7‒11 on the thorax (A‒D, dorsal view; E‒G, lateral view) of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (A, E), C. grandis sp. nov. (B), C. cristata de Meijere (C, F), C. diconica (Toda & Okada) (D) and C. ecornuta sp. nov. (G). Abbreviations: a dc s, anterior dorsocentral setae; ap sctl s, apical scutellar seta; b sctl s, basal scutellar seta; p kepst s, posterior katepisternal seta; pprn s, postpronotal seta; trn sut, transverse suture. Scale bars: 0.5 mm in A‒D, 0.1 mm in E‒G.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Male abdominal sternite VIs of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (B in anteroventral view, C in lateral view), C. stamenicola (Carson & Okada) (D in anterior view) and all species of the C. cristata subgroup (A in ventral view, E‒R in anterior view): A, C. ecornuta sp. nov.; E, C. grandis sp. nov.; F, C. vieti sp. nov.; G, C. cristata de Meijere; H, C. matthewsi sp. nov.; I, C. sulawesiana Okada & Yafuso; J, C. kinabaluana sp. nov.; K, C. kotana sp. nov.; L, C. sabahana sp. nov.; M, C. sarawakana sp. nov.; N, C. pistilicola (Carson & Okada); O, C. xenalocasiae (Okada); P, C. diconica (Toda & Okada); Q, C. sumatrana sp. nov.; and R, C. leucocasiae sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 15. Habitus (upper, lateral view; lower, dorsal view) of species of the Colocasiomyia cristata subgroup.A, C. ecornuta sp. nov. ♂; B, C. grandis sp. nov. ♂; C, C. vieti sp. nov. ♂; D, C. cristata de Meijere ♂; E, C. sulawesiana Okada & Yafuso ♂; F, C. kinabaluana sp. nov. ♂; G, C. kotana sp. nov. ♂; and H, C. matthewsi sp. nov. ♂. Scale bars: 1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 16. Colocasiomyia ecornuta Toda & Takano, sp. nov. (♂ and ♀ paratypes and puparium from Soppeng, South Sulawesi, Indonesia). A, Head (frontal view); B, scutum and scutellum (dorsal view); C, D, abdominal sternites in ventral view (C, male; D, female); E, periphallic organs (caudolateral view; inset: cercal ventral lobe); F, phallal sheath (dorsal view); G, H, phallic organs (G, lateral view; H, ventral view); I peri-oviscapt (caudal view); J, oviscapt (ventral view); K, puparium (ventral habitus; inset: caudal-most portion at lower right and ventrolateral portion of segments at the upper right); L, mouth hook; M, cephalopharyngeal skeleton. Abbreviations: i vt s, inner vertical setae; sctl, scutellum. Scale bars: 0.1 mm in A–J and M, 1.0 mm in K.";