dc:title"Phylogeny, taxonomy and flower-breeding ecology of the Colocasiomyia cristata species group (Diptera: Drosophilidae), with descriptions of ten new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Characters 1‒4 on the head of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (A‒D) and C. cristata de Meijere (E‒H). A, E, Caudal view; B, F, dorsal view; C, G, frontal view; D, H, right eye (frontal view). Abbreviations: ar, arista; a rc orb s, anterior reclinate orbital seta; i ocp s, inner occipital setae; pc orb s, proclinate orbital seta; spc s, supracervical setae. Character states are indicated in the form of ‘character No.-state code’. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Characters 7‒11 on the thorax (A‒D, dorsal view; E‒G, lateral view) of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (A, E), C. grandis sp. nov. (B), C. cristata de Meijere (C, F), C. diconica (Toda & Okada) (D) and C. ecornuta sp. nov. (G). Abbreviations: a dc s, anterior dorsocentral setae; ap sctl s, apical scutellar seta; b sctl s, basal scutellar seta; p kepst s, posterior katepisternal seta; pprn s, postpronotal seta; trn sut, transverse suture. Scale bars: 0.5 mm in A‒D, 0.1 mm in E‒G.";
dc:description"FIGURE 6. Character 12 of costal setae on the wing (anterodistal portion) of Colocasiomyia xenalocasiae (Okada) (A), C. colocasiae (Duda) (B) and C. cristata de Meijere (C). Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 7. Characters 13‒15 on the fore (A, B, distal portion of tibia and tarsus) and mid (C, D, ditto) legs of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (A, C) and C. cristata de Meijere (B, D). Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Characters 16‒22 on the male (A, C) and female (B, D) abdominal sternites (s) of Colocasiomyia gigantea (Okada) (A, B) and C. colocasiae (Duda) (C, D). Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. Male abdominal sternite VIs of Colocasiomyia colocasiae (Duda) (B in anteroventral view, C in lateral view), C. stamenicola (Carson & Okada) (D in anterior view) and all species of the C. cristata subgroup (A in ventral view, E‒R in anterior view): A, C. ecornuta sp. nov.; E, C. grandis sp. nov.; F, C. vieti sp. nov.; G, C. cristata de Meijere; H, C. matthewsi sp. nov.; I, C. sulawesiana Okada & Yafuso; J, C. kinabaluana sp. nov.; K, C. kotana sp. nov.; L, C. sabahana sp. nov.; M, C. sarawakana sp. nov.; N, C. pistilicola (Carson & Okada); O, C. xenalocasiae (Okada); P, C. diconica (Toda & Okada); Q, C. sumatrana sp. nov.; and R, C. leucocasiae sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.1 mm.";