dc:title"Some species of Munidopsis from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits and Caribbean Sea (Decapoda: Munidopsidae), with the description of two new species";
dc:description"FIGURE 3. Munidopsis tuerkayi n. sp., holotype, male, 7.3 mm (SMF 49249). A, carapace and abdomen, dorsal view. B, carapace and abdomen, right lateral view. C, telson. D, sternal plastron. E, left antenna and antennule, ventral view. F, right Mxp 3. G, right P 1. H, right P 2. I, right P 2 dactylus. J, right P 3. K, right P 4. Scale: A – D = 2.0 mm; G, H, J, K = 1 m; E – F, I = 0.5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Munidopsis on host substrate. A, B, Munidopsis tuerkayi n. sp., paratype, male, 7.9 mm (SMF 49251); C, D, Munidopsis serricornis, ovigerous female, 10.1 mm (SMF 49250). A, habitat of sample before collection; fan-shaped Candidella imbricata (Johnson, 1862) colonies attached to rock exposure (copyright MARUM 2012). B, Candidella imbricata sample collected with a multitude of Gorgoniapolynoe caeciliae (Fauvel, 1913) kept in sea-water with in-situ ambient temperature; note the pale-pink colour patterns on the whitish carapace and abdomen resembling the octocoral polyp colour. C, habitat of sample before collection; live Enallopsammia profunda (Pourtalès, 1867) colony on rock exposure (copyright MARUM 2012). D, close-up of sample; note the pale-orange colour patterns of the carapace and abdomen, resembling the colour of the Enallopsammia profunda polyp tissue.";