dc:title"Uca (Xeruca), a new subgenus for the Taiwanese fiddler crab Uca formosensis Rathbun, 1921 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Ocypodidae), based on morphological and molecular evidence";
dc:description"FIGURE 9. A Bayesian inference (BI) tree of Xeruca subgen. nov. and other related subgenera, based on the combined 16 S rDNA, cytochrome oxidase subunit I genes (COI) and 28 S rDNA. See Table 1 for details of the specimens. Probability values at the nodes represent support values for BI and maximum likelihood (ML).";
dc:description"FIGURE 4. Carapaces of Uca formosensis and other species with similar morphology. A, U. formosensis (NCHUZOOL 13672, CW 29.6 mm, left-handed; modified from Shih et al. 1999); B, U. bellator (NCHUZOOL 13653, CW 18.7 mm, lefthanded); C, U. seismella (USNM 137666, holotype, CW 13.0 mm, right-handed; modified from Crane 1975); D. U. polita (USNM 137667, holotype, CW 22.5 mm, right-handed; modified from Crane 1975); E, U. arcuata (NCHUZOOL 13660, CW 38.2 mm, left-handed); F, U. urvillei (NCHUZOOL 13661, CW 30.1 mm, left-handed); G, U. tetragonon (NCHUZOOL 13664, CW 18.3 mm, right-handed); H, U. jocelynae (NMNS 6177 - 001, holotype, CW 21.7 mm, right-handed).";
dc:description"FIGURE 5. Major chelipeds of Uca formosensis and other species with similar morphology. A, U. formosensis (NCHUZOOL 13672, CW 29.6 mm; modified from Shih et al. 1999); B, U. longidigitum (NCHUZOOL 13656, CW 16.7 mm); C, U. bellator (NCHUZOOL 13653, CW 18.7 mm); D, U. princeps (SMF 13164, CW 36.5 mm).";
dc:description"FIGURE 8. Urocardiac ossicles of Uca tangeri (A, NCHUZOOL 13655, CW 26.9 mm, ♂), U. stylifera (B, NCHUZOOL 13578, CW 21.9 mm, ♂), U. acuta (C, NCHUZOOL 13665, CW 19.0 mm, ♂), U. lactea (D, NCHUZOOL 13213, CW 15.4 mm, ♂), U. tetragonon (E, NCHUZOOL 13666, CW 17.0 mm, ♀), and U. vocans (F, NCHUZOOL 13667, CW 20.2 mm, ♂). A, B, E, F, scale = 10 mm; C, D, scale = 5 mm.";
dc:description"FIGURE 1. Updated distributional records of Uca formosensis of Shih et al. (1999). Black squares (⋅) (and gray area) and place names in boldface represent habitats with substantial number of individuals; empty squares (D) and place names in normal font represent habitats with none or few individuals, although the species was formerly recorded from these locations.";